Trakanon Raider
- 1,259
- 612
I'm fully behind it and think it's a good change as well. Just being a little tongue-in-cheek about the nature of NA support players.
I haven't seen a DPS in Brel party finder with less than 5x3 in over a month. Granted I only do 1-4 or 1-6 lately, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one in anything past a G1-2 party unless they're friends with a support.
How many 1520+ supports do I see with partial Argos accessories and a mangled mid-quality 3x3 or 4x3? Probably 1 out of 4.
Agreed with this perspective. To be fair though, 5x3 is insanely easy to achieve -- all 12 of my characters are 5x3, with multiple of them having 5x3 builds for both specs. If you budget your accessories and don't mind waiting / bidding, you can get there pretty fast.
The issue with supports is that engravings matter so fucking little. Just get your class engraving from argos and you're pretty much effective enough to clear everything. All I care about support is that they have their set complete for the damage bonus and at that stage, even if they do nothing but ult, they're effective. This is a double-edged sword in that, supports are fucking boring to play as a result -- you just don't see any fucking progress on your character. As someone who parses every run he does, I also find there's a ridiculous misunderstanding in the West as to what is actually effective, which is compounded heavily by the retarded MVP screen. Here's an example of that:
1- A Gunlancer gets MVP due to their absurd stagger.
2- NA believes Gunlancers are great! LOOK AT THE MVP SCREEN!
3- Vold parses and sees that the Gunlancer actually accounts for 8% of the raids DPS. Even in an almost perfect group make up aimed at maximizing the GL (which NA never does) this means that there's a significant DPS loss for having brought the GL.
4- Vold carefully considers that stagger damage is fucking useless. There is no encounter in Brel that has a stagger check which is difficult to meet.
Somehow however people still bring GL's constantly. They're a trash class.
The same is true for NA relating to spec classes. They see KR post tier lists, which is mostly encompassed with spec classes at the S tier. The issue is, spec classes are actually challenging to play and requires a lot more effort. Your average shit tier player who should be playing support because they're garbage gravitates towards them though and then you end up seeing Strikers doing no damage that get invited because they're 'S' tier. Give me a 4x3 competent player over that any day playing a mid tier swiftness build.