I support giving gold to Cynnix so that I can begin charging him for carries!I'd love some gold too if you're shipping it off. On Azena. Character name is Cynnix
...You are not looking for an MMO. The genre has never allowed individuals to 'stay competitive' while only playing a single character for a few hours a day. Individuals who play 24/7 will always have a significant advantage. Lost Ark is a million times more friendly in that regards as the amount of content that you can grind is limited unlike an EQ where someone who can grind a billion more AAs than you.
Even "kill 100000 mobs" grinds can be fun if you have a good combat system. I did the grind for the infinite health pot in Black Desert that required probably 150+ totals hours of mob grinding, but I look back on it with really fond memories. One because it felt like a big accomplishment when I got the last peace to finally drop. Two is because the combat system in BDO is so goddamn good that I can grind for hours in that game while listening to music, podcasts, watching TV, etc. and never really notice/care.I do agree that disguised grinds are better than “kill 10000 mobs” grinds. That is why WoW felt better than EQ1 in terms of grinding. The problem is disguised grinds take effort to design and mindless grinds are easy to implement
Chaos Dungeons & Guardian raids in Lost Ark are absolutely terrible. They are part of a philosophy that MMOs adopted long ago where they want people logging in every day because 'daily login metrics' and short term goals started to become more important to the genre than long-term retention. It's garbage design.
I still prefer them over how this is done in other games due to the fact that they at least drop an insane amount of loot. My character is almost 1600 ilvl (1596 atm), which means that I can effectively stop doing that content for the next year and I would still be able to participate in all content that gets released on the hardest difficulty. It isn't endless, it's just incredibly boring & feeling like a chore --- they don't try to disguise it.
That was my biggest complaint with this game. The fun content was all time gated shit, mostly once a week. The unfun stuff was what you were allowed to do daily. Fuck that."Endless" grinds are fine as long as your grind is engaging and fun. Chaos dungeons, guardians raids, etc. weren't "fun" content is the problem. So, the grind eventually starts feeling like a chore. And once a game starts feeling like a chore, wtf is the point of playing it?
I did not realize they added a bunch more world leafs already until i randomly got a new one from an epic secret sapling tree. Of course i got a weakened clown card from one of the freebie leg packs.
I have now joined the 1600 club:
You're a monster Voldeth. How do you even find the time! =]
I haven't logged in to do anything other than cycle my stronghold and make sure my guildies have tasks for the week since the run of Zelda/D4/SF6 launches and the half dozen other highly anticipated games coming out in the latter half of the year make it seem like that's going to be the only thing I do in the game for a while.