Damn right it hits home
- Thats the kind of shit that fucking got to me. The RNG in this game, at least back then, good fucking lord.. Its like - You set a goal in your mind, "Ok, Im gonna get this island token" (or something, its all the same fucking thought process), and you go to the island over and over and over again. You're setting fucking timers outside of the game to make sure you make each spawn (hell ya it has a spawn time that drags you away from anything you might actually find fun in the game) and in the end, you get the island soul. Only took you around 14 spawns to do over multiple hours/days. Then, you see it.. right in fucking guild chat. The guy that just joined the game, is already fucking 1400 (when you're played weeks over multiple characters just to get to 1390).. does the island once and gets it on the first try.
How does that not aggravate you to the point you want to uninstall this fucking game? You join a group and kill the hardest boss in all of the game with perfect execution and you might not get anything worth your fucking time for weeks. Yet you turn around and carry someone that can barely control their character, and they get the best shit? .. Like I said, the RNG in this game fucking rubs me the wrong way something fierce.
Glad the games getting a lot better - but it doesnt sound like a lot of that shit has been addressed, and likely never will based on its developer. The idea that in Korea they pay tons of money to advance some of their gear because RNG, would probably make me go trench coat mafia on the studio.
A few things to unpack here and, obviously, this is my personal perspective on the MMO genre. I consider a certain amount of RNG to be healthy in a game. I am absolutely, perfectly, positively okay with some things requiring an absurd amount of luck. For an Everquest example, I spent an absolutely absurd amount of time for Raster on my monk -- it was a common joke with friends that I would die of old age before that fucker would spawn. I know plenty of people who got him on a server reset first spawn. Hell, I spent less than an hour camping Ragefire for my cleric epic and some fuckers spent days camping him. With that being said, I do however subscribe to the belief that there should always be a certain amount of
bad luck prevention, which is to say that a pity system should exist where I am always obtaining some form of currency to allow me to get an item. This is why item honing doesn't bother me in the slightest, while the implementation is terrible in Lost Ark, I know that no matter how shitty it goes, I'll get to the desired outcome.
On the topic of a 9/7 stones, it's a common Lost Ark meme that some newbie cuts a 9/7 stone. The chances of doing so are 0.07% and this
does offer additional character power, which is flawed and shitty design. The wings I mentioned however are purely cosmetic and there is a currency available for an uglier version of them, which is good design and shows that they've learned from their mistakes. The stuff you're talking about (islands) do not increase your characters power in the slightest; it's for people who want to be 100% completionist. I am thus okay that there are some island souls that are a nightmare of RNG to get, albeit this patch has made most of them a lot easier. If I were you, and I'm truly not trying to sell you the game, I would give it a shot for a week or two. You quit during Argos, which was the height of the stupid design and not fun things to do. I'm rather confident that if you load up your Artiletist, power pass it and mess around with Valtan/Vykas/Clown/Brel at least once you'll have a good time and it'll morph your perspective on the game quite a bit.
As the P2W stuff, which people really don't understand in Lost Ark. I'll use this tier as an example of the transactions available and how silly it is to care. In order to raid the newest content, your character has to be 1580. This was perfectly achievable for anyone without spending
any money. The new content of raid also (similar to previously ones) drops an increase in item level increase material. This is achieved by upgrading your current gear from Ancient to Upper Ancient. You have a 100% chance of doing this and, when you upgrade your 1580 item, it instantly becomes 1600 and has a decent honing chance. This is why you should only hone to 1580 as it is the most efficient stopping point. The game however has allowed folks to push beyond 1580 for a few months by upgrading their current ancient gear to a higher ilevel. It is however insanely costly (e.g., even with my absurd amount of gold, I was only able to get to 1600). Based upon the above, there are whales who were able to push their characters beyond 1580-1600 by paying money. That money spent served no purpose however -- they will effectively be a single hone or two ahead from someone who parked at 1580. It also cost them in the thousands of dollars to achieve (this isn't an exaggeration -- a gigawhale who was 1625 at the time of this patch likely spent 50-100 grand). Lets keep in mind that for a few months, this insane cost did not allow them to do any content that I can do as a F2P player. It just let them have a shinier weapon than me. Similarly, from your game experience, you may remember that some whales / streamers spent thousands to hit ~1390-1400 during the Argos days. The current power pass will boost you instantly passed that and take you to 1540. Thus you're never in a situation where you 'need' to pay or where it offers you an advantage. This is why Lost Ark is fundamentally a pay to progress faster game, where the game never locks you out from doing the current raids if you don't spend anything. I don't really have a problem with that (albeit, for avoidance of doubt, I would rather that there be a sub cost to my MMOs than this being the method that the studio makes money).
Lastly, the combat & raid design remain the absolute best in the business for non ultra-hardcore raiders. I am easily able to outparse those whales (who traditionally die within 5 minutes of even a normal raid) as I am better at games. I don't know anyone who has raided Valtan/Vykas/Clown/Brel at ilvl and did not enjoy it. There's certainly some (well, a lot) of frustration when it becomes farm and wipe mechanics become tedious however, it's still well worth the experience. Give it a try!