Buzzfeed Editor
BUT THEY BANNED MILLIONS OF ACCOUNTS! No way they'll recreate an account now! Problem solved, bitches!
BUT THEY BANNED MILLIONS OF ACCOUNTS! No way they'll recreate an account now! Problem solved, bitches!
Add health bars to guardians. Nobody fucking cares about monster Hunter you fucks.
LOL it isn't so much the banwave as much as it is that maintenance boots the bots offline until they are logged back in. The "ban wave" is just a PR stunt. It'll do exactly jack and shit.So they did a banwave last night the steam players dropped from 500k to 200k and started climbing back almost immediately. The game is 60% bots that is horrifically bad.
We banwaved between yesterday and today – it’s an ongoing bot bash, we don’t consider the problem solved with these waves alone (which is why we aren’t doing broader announcements, since they always slither back), but we’ll keep on doing them while we keep on fighting the larger fight
As far as botting goes, I think the majority just bot multiple accounts to farm mats for their mains.
I got kinda tired of only having enough time to log in, do 2x chaos, 2x guardian, 3x unas for mats and log off. Saw people here , even though playing 14 to 18 hrs a mats faster than physically possible even if running 24 hrs a day, brag about having multiple toons on diff accounts as well.
So I google searched a bot for lost ark, fired up Inner Space and IS boxer, made 2 new accounts, and in a few weeks time had a ton of gold from a few drops, had enough mats to lvl multiple toons up immediatly, and still had enough unbound sell for decent coin.
None of my accounts have been hit with a ban, but it might be because I havent logged on in weeks.
Really had very high hopes for this game and the combat is the best ever done in this genre, but when half the population is bots, it just didnt hold me.
All vertical progression, for the most part, is nothing more than time gated honing materials and that system encourages mass botting.
When all the exciting content is locked to a weekly event, but to progress you have to do brain dead sense why half the community is automated.
Can check videos and stuff, there's a bunch that popped up for this release already including various guides.Any of you chaps who played other regions have the lowdown on destroyer?
1-50 isn't so bad cause of knowledge transfer, at least for ppl who haven't used the 9 they have already(I have plenty left personally, like 5 or whatever), the issue I have is having to grind T1/T2 and doing stories on the way(can skip rohendel and feiton and all but still have to do yorn at least). These levels are just already pretty much dead and not interesting, can throw money at it to skip but I really don't want to spend thousands of gold on a random alt, that's why I'd like a powerpass.Yeah,
I do have to admit that the thought of leveling 1-50 is far from appealing. Maybe they will do....something.