Lucy with Scarlett Johannson (wholly crap)


<WoW Guild Officer>
The ending will be that she wakes up in the hospital and realizes the whole movie was her tripping the fuck out on that package of drugs.


If people "used" 100% of their brain all the time they'd be unable to function. It'd be like a lightning storm in their brain, causing epileptic seizures and a complete loss of bodily functions. You wouldn't be a superhero, you'd be a shit-stained vegetable that is constantly convulsing and seizing, and you wouldn't live very long.


Yeah, well, Bruce Banner would have just developed the super power of cancer.
That's a really good point. Superhero movies aren't science fiction, they're modern fantasy. They don't get into the hows and whys, they expect people to accept that radiation can turn people into the Hulk, just like they expect people to accept that a ring can turn midgets invisible. "Don't worry about the details" is the trademark of fantasy story telling. Not that I'm shitting on the fantasy genre; as long as the story is good and internally consistent, I can suspend my disbelief long enough to enjoy it.


Musty Nester
People do use 100% of their brain. There is a fundamental misunderstanding about some really basic shit. You can't really even attribute it to fantasy. It -is- science fiction. At least it's trying to be. It's just bad and transparently ignorant science fiction.

Fantasy is: "What if a dude could climb walls like a spider? Ok... how? Dunno.. a magic spider bit him... who gives a shit, the dude climbs walls and shotz web! Like a spider? What are you not getting about this concept?"

ScarJo is still ok. It's just the entire premise is wholly dumb.


NeoGaf Donator
I had to stop at the "100%" bit because that's:

A. Overused to the point of hilarity.
B. Insanely false.


FPS noob
what don't you guys get, the drug lets you use 500% of your brain. 500% = SUPER POWERS

she'll be motorboating your brain



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Trailer reminded me a bit of Elfen Lied just need to start chopping people in half with mind hands.


People do use 100% of their brain.
Yeah, but not at the same time.

You can't really even attribute it to fantasy. It -is- science fiction. At least it's trying to be. It's just bad and transparently ignorant science fiction.

Fantasy is: "What if a dude could climb walls like a spider? Ok... how? Dunno.. a magic spider bit him... who gives a shit, the dude climbs walls and shotz web! Like a spider? What are you not getting about this concept"
How the fuck is "magic spider bit him"any fucking differentthan "magic drugs" allow ScarJo to psychokinetically toss motherfuckers around? Oh, right. It's not any different.

Science fiction is fiction based on fucking science. Science from the present, near-future science, or hypothetical future science based on the science of today. The 10% brain usage myth has been debunked for decades, and yet it keeps making the rounds because people are fucking ignorant and don't read. It's no different than making a movie about how bloodletting can cure a throat infection. You wouldn't see a modern movie like that today because people know that shit doesn't work.

Of course if you're just looking for mind-dulling entertainment, have at it. I'll probably watch it cause it looks like it could be fun, but the premise, based on the trailer, looks dumb as shit.


Musty Nester
Much like crimson and ruby are different colors its different because of the tone.

It's a fantasy, sure. But for the target audience it is "science fiction". It is science fiction because it is rooted in a "scientific fact". That being we only use 10% of our brain. It is shocking how many peopleactuallybelieve that. So the fiction revolves around what would happen if we used "all it is capable of". This is fundamentally different than a magic spider because of that one assumption. Not everyone can be Peter Parker with or without a magic spider.

But with the right combination of drugs, any woman can be ScarJo.

Mostly because there aren't any hobbits or hairy potters in it.


Musty Nester
It might even be a technological fantasy!

But Izo is right. What it truly is is her new kids college fund.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
kinda bums me out that Morgan Freeman's first line in the movie is already pure bullshit.

I had to stop the trailer there... man...


Avatar of War Slayer
That's a really good point. Superhero movies aren't science fiction, they're modern fantasy. They don't get into the hows and whys, they expect people to accept that radiation can turn people into the Hulk, just like they expect people to accept that a ring can turn midgets invisible. "Don't worry about the details" is the trademark of fantasy story telling. Not that I'm shitting on the fantasy genre; as long as the story is good and internally consistent, I can suspend my disbelief long enough to enjoy it.
Which is why you just say, it gave her powers. you DON'T give details, which are widely known as wrong.
And, Gamma rays 52 years ago, were not widely known by the public. Or radioactive spider. But if you tried that shit today, people would balk. There is a reason they magic science it up in modern versions of the origin stories, with genetic research and shit.

"we have this pill, it lets you fly. The human body only uses 10% of its intestines. 3 miles unused. Imagine the potential of releasing all that gas out of your ass."
That is how stupid that myth is. Why does it get repeated over and over in 2014?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The ending will be that she wakes up in the hospital and realizes the whole movie was her tripping the fuck out on that package of drugs.
What if as the movie ends and the screen goes black, our world ends?

Yes the 10% brain thing has been over done and is certainly misunderstood since perhaps it is more like " That is all science understands, not all that we use", but it might be a fun to watch premise. Also, it has one of the hottest woman in Hollywood playing the main role. I enjoy movie premises like this one because there will come a day when science catches up to consciousness.


Avatar of War Slayer
Akira with a chick. Let's hope for a robotic arm made from satellite wires and scrap metal.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Like others have said, the "humans only use 10% of their brain" fallacy was from a time long ago before we had lots of tech that basically shit all over that hypothesis, but people bring it up still because it is a "catchy" idea. Kind of like when people talk about evolution and spurt "survival of the fittest!", even though that really isn't the case.


Trakanon Raider
man, sometimes you guys are so jaded lol. let it go, it's a popcorn flick. Personally i'm looking forward to it, it's fantasy, it's messed up, and it's all BS, but who cares. They can take my money for it and i'll most likely enjoy it.
I rate movies on my expectation of it prior to going to see it, not on actual quality of a movie. for example:
Matrix: I expected this to be a good movie based on the trailers waay back in the day, then i saw it and loved it hence the movie bested my expectation and it was a great movie because of that.
Matrix2: i expected an awesome movie, it was not, hence it was crap because it was lower then i expected
for Lucy, i'm expecting a good movie based on what i saw and being able to let the relm of reality slip away for those 2 hours. if it's worse then good, it was crap... if it's better then good then it was really good.
anyway, i'm still looking forward to this


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Bunch of old fuddy duddy science nerds in this thread. Just enjoy the silly action movie.