Lurkers (reloaded)


Vyemm Raider
I was forced into lurking way back when my first account got banned back in '03. I kept coming to the site though. I put in an application for a new account but it wasn't authorized and I pretty much forgot about it. Then the manslide of '05 happened and a huge number of pending accounts all got authorized at once. I remember Matt the Gimp started a thread telling all the 05'ers where to go and I think my first post on the new account was a burn about how Matt was just concerned because all of these new retards (myself included) were going to make it impossible to pick him out from the crowd.

7 years and 500 posts later we wind up here. Now all of a sudden I have been on a streak of posting. I guess when things settle down a bit I will too. Anyways hello to all of the true lurkers.

I am kinda disappointed more people didn't introduce themselves with Wakandan DICK.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Created an account so that I can join in the fun here.

Long time lurker over at FOH. 5 years maybe, I actually went back to page 1 of the old FSR thread and read through it all, dedication or dementia, your call.

Was on MN when it died while I was reading it.


Lurked since Velious, posted a handful of times since then. Posted on first day of MoreNetz for my friend's AMA and first response was Keg asking to see her boobs. I feel proud.


Molten Core Raider
posting in the lurker 2.0 thread, followed FoH for years, it was my daily entertainment. Was wondering what happened to MN, finally decided to brave FoH and found this. Lets hope this one sticks around a bit!


Molten Core Raider
Lurker since Lich king x-pac came out, never felt like paying the $25 to post on the old site


Molten Core Raider
2nd times the charm. Lurked on FoH since 2003, no longer play EQ or WoW, but Other Games and SS are part of my daily ritual.


Mostly lurked since about 04, occasionally posted. Pretty much stopped posting and visiting most threads other than screenshots about 6 months or so after the introduction of +nets. People got really fucking stupid around that period, and then again in the last 2 months with the swamp donkey. Glad to see there is a new home for the community now, and hopefully less modgirlfriend trying to troll. May post again, may just lurk. That is all.


Vyemm Raider
Pretty much stopped posting and visiting most threads other than screenshots about 6 months or so after the introduction of +nets. People got really fucking stupid around that period, and then again in the last 2 months with the swamp donkey.
Wait, you retreated TO screenshots to avoid the retards? Someone gave you bad directions my friend.
Lurker here...

Stumbled into FOH looking at the "Random Pic" thread last Winter. Took a few months but went thru all 4000+ pages..!

Directed over here when everyone bailed on FOH...

Only one question,...what part of the web does Fedor surf.? He (she) posts things that I've thought unimaginable. Kinda like an execution, know you shouldn't watch, but you've just got to look....

Carry On with scheduled programming....


Alright, I doubt this will get through to any of you, but the reason FoH was what it was, was because of the active community that posted continuously throughout the day.

Help us make this site start off well by not just lurking, but by becoming active members that contribute to the community they are so attached to.

So in a less pc manner.

Quit being lurking bitches,
So scratch that itch,
And post some shit.
IF it has not been posted there should be a "how to" guide to teachers basics of posting. I myself am not sure how to link video but I am becoming an active poster otherwise.
Some very basic guidelines might go far to increase forum activity.