I doubt there'll ever be a movie so it will be a nice surprise if one turns up. That means, to me at least, this was the end of Luther.
Looking back I'm really disappointed Justin died, don't get me wrong it was a great plot point and moved the story in a direction none of us were expecting, but my end of Luther dream had Ripley being Luther 2.0 and running his own team under Schenk
Talking of Schenk, his face to face with George at the car Alice sprung Luther from was fantastic. Schenk rarely gets to show his characters balls of steel but he damn well did there.
I didn't think he had killed Erin after shooting George, the shot being heard offscreen being the key to that. Presuming he leg shot her like Luther although it wasn't too clear from the ambo shot at the end.
As I said earlier, I fucking loved the ending. Alice accepting that of the two of them, she was the one who should die was a great moment as she had no idea the snivelling little woman next to her would turn out to have some strength after all. Luthers look at her as he thought she was about to die and then bam, Mary hits the shotgun and Alice nails him and then apologises while grinning at Luther
Him throwing his coat away at the end symbolised the end of the characters for me, they will run off to Berlin or wherever and hopefully get his leg looked at
There was a brief look at a new David Morrissey drama shown before Luther started, maybe that will fill the new Luther & Alice sized hole in my life.