Unsure if anyone saw this, but here's an article from the New Yorker.
Dead Certainty
I think it's really kind of crazy how people kind of get into this whole, "I don't want to say someone is guilty or not, but let me tell you why MAM was wrong."
The writer does tend to point the atrocities of the trial, but then continues on and says shit along the lines of, "The producers were so biased they ignored some facts and that made it near impossible to form a timeline of the murder."
I said before that the creators were likely biased, but not so much in a "Avery is innocent" but in a "This trial is a god damn train wreck, and innocent or not, he should not have been found guilty with the evidence presented at trial."
There was no real timeline or real evidence into what actually happened; no one provided anything hardcore, and the crazy and impossible timeline they did assert was rubbish.
We don't need to prove a different timeline, implicate a new party, or explain how she died in order to show that it was a miscarriage of justice. That was the point of the doc. If you came out of that thinking that Avery was innocent, well...that's probably more emotional, but the logical side of you should have at least gone, "The case presented in no way shows that Avery is guilty. There are coincidences, sure, but every major thing that "cemented" the case had doubt."
It's also interesting in that she mentions how things like the crazy phone calls were brought up, then never mentioned again. Yea, because the prosecution never mentions them again, they ignore all of that evidence, and continue on their Avery crusade.
I assume that article is just click bait, but that's just about every article on that show. It's like people don't get it.