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See, this shit is PURE GOLD. "Men are not allowed to be masculine and forced to be feminine! Women are praised for being masculine or feminine! Life is hard, you guys! Won't somebody PLEASE THINK OF THE MEN???"Your entire problem is that you'restilla pussy. You might want to quit feminizing yourself, lest you grow a vag. With that said..
Masculinity, or "being a man", has been redefined by people(men and women)who have no concept of what the original definition is. The behaviors and characteristics that constitute what is uniquely masculine aren?t being challenged, they?ve been redefined to fit the purposes of an agenda.
The root of the male-equalist problem, is that there has been a concerted effort to "de-masculinize" society, not only in mass media, but down to how we educate and condition our youth to assume masculine and feminine roles. Whatisbeing challenged, is the predisposition of males in predominantly western culture to evenconsiderwhat masculinity is.
When men become feminized, are we leveling the playing field, or are we progressing towards homogenization of gender? You "equalists" hail this as a victory of a new gender paradigm. Why should masculine traits be of lower value than feminine ones? ??The very characteristics that define traditional masculinity - independence, self-confidence, individualism, physical strength, risk taking, problem solving and innovation ? we are now supposed to believe are(or should be)the aspirations of women, to the point that ridicule of thesolelyfeminine female is the norm. "Girl, quit being so submissive! You need to tell that man of yours how it is! You're a strong, independent woman! Don't let a man treat you that way!" - sound familiar? In expecting women to be just as masculine as men, while simultaneously expecting them to still embody a feminine ideal, not only does it put undue, unrealistic ideals upon them, but also devalues the merits of their own femininity.
Given this new gender dynamic, notice that women aren't discouraged from claiming their femininity inadditionto their masculinity? Quite the opposite - they?re encouraged to "handle their business as well as any man"and"still be a sexy, alluring woman every man should want." Yet, in opposition to this dynamic, men arenotencouraged to embrace their masculine side. We are told to "quit being a pussy", for sure, but our masculinity is often considered a "flaw". We're often told to "embrace our feminine side!" - we're told to be more sensitive, emotional, empathetic, nurturing, etc. Conversely, women arecongratulatedfor embodying masculine traits inadditionto an acceptance of her feminine character. Men, however, are conditioned to believe that feminine traitsaremasculine traits, and any traditionally masculine characteristics that manifest themselves, are the unfortunate byproducts of our "flawed" biology.
The real issue of redefining gender, like most things that women attempt to redefine, is that it's rife with "double standards". Men should be so feminized as to loathe their inherent masculinity, yet still be held liable for uniquely male, traditionally masculine responsibilities and accountability, simply by virtue of them being male. It?s a gender Catch 22 - hate your masculinity, but be held responsible for not "being man enough" to solve uniquely male problems, get "shamed" when a masculinized woman steps in to do so, andthenbe ridiculed for not being as masculine as she is. That?s the cycle.

Ha ha ha you fucking pussy.
Extra moron points for assuming you are the authority on what the "original definition" of masculinity is, and for thinking it relevant.