Watched it on iTunes a couple nights ago. It's fucking mental. It's a combination of a heavy metal album cover and crystal meth. It's awesome. You'll need therapy afterward
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Watched it on iTunes a couple nights ago. It's fucking mental. It's a combination of a heavy metal album cover and crystal meth. It's awesome. You'll need therapy afterward
that wasn't blood, that dude drank a mason jar full of LSD
that's what I heard as well although it was super difficult to understand most of what the bikers were saying in the theater. Acid voices plus natural reverb made them almost unintelligible when I saw this. Had to grab a copy on Amazon and listen to it all with mastering headphones to get all of the dialogue clearlythink he said "blood for blood" meaning, where is my sacrifice (fat guy). And Brother Swan said first things first (get us Mandy).
that's what I heard as well although it was super difficult to understand most of what the bikers were saying in the theater. Acid voices plus natural reverb made them almost unintelligible when I saw this. Had to grab a copy on Amazon and listen to it all with mastering headphones to get all of the dialogue clearly
mandy blu ray is 61% off on amazon for the next 5 hours, $12 and totally worth it
Amazon product ASIN