Trakanon Raider
No way man. That's my "Get out of a relationship free" card.
Yeah we all new that's what it means. Now you seem to know that as well.
It means your going soft Khane and I'm looking to take the title away from you.
No way man. That's my "Get out of a relationship free" card.
130k whole being a stay at home dad is ridiculous, does your wife make more than you?
I think for my wife she just wants to stay at home with the kid. Prior to that she worked full time for the last 10ish years. I don't know if she'll be like the other wives here that don't want to work.I guess the part I don't understand (maybe I'm obtuse in this regard) but why do people need convinced to work? I have wanted shit in life and then set out and worked for it. If a household needs the money to achieve goals then why are all these wives needing convincing?
kinda hard to work it out prior to coupling when people's ambitions and interests change with age
Just depends. When you marry young people change. I used to like to party but my ex and I talked about settling down, buying a house, having kids. So we got married. Eventually into this plan she realized she didn't want to settle down, she didn't want to work full time or pursue her goals, she didn't want to do anything. I married a dud.
yes. stay at home mothers are a waste of life
Slowly poison her, lazy women are the worst
Why would anyone not want a bang maid? I think if my wife stopped working it would be totally worth the income loss to not have to do chores and shit.
I need a dumpster and a bon fire. I have finally begun to clear out things from G and what was his mother's. It is fekkin overwhelming.Just throw everything out, like fucking everything. Our houses are so full of useless shit. I don't like doing the chores but I try to make them easy as possible by getting of things that aren't needed. THrowing shit out makes me hard.
I have been so tempted to do this. For me, its not the time, its the money. She cannot stay on a weekly food budget to save her life. I cant understand this. I can do a weeks shopping in under an hour and easily stay in the weekly budget ($150). For some reason she consistently blows through the months food budget in the first two weeks by "shopping sales" and "stocking up". I'm like woman, buy enough for a weeks worth of meals and go home. Its isnt rocket science.My wife takes like 3 hours to go to the grocery store and I hassled her about it, and she was like "DO IT YOURSELF THEN"
I came back in 40 minutes with everything we needed and she was like "fuck you"