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.....Next thing I know he's bloody and I've got 3 people holding me back...

Well deserved bloody nose.
- 2
.....Next thing I know he's bloody and I've got 3 people holding me back...
Disowning that disgrace was in reference to your child, and not cigarettes? Wow! Who says shit like that? Apparently that dumbass.
I prefer to refer to it as the state of Misery. There are a good number of ignorant people around, only ones I give a pass are the elderly, to late to change their minds and what they where brought up with.
It's not really ignorance, it's ideology. Doesn't much matter how old they are something major has to happen to get someone to change or shift their ideology.
"It's wrong because God says so and it ain't the natural order of things" is a lot different than "I don't like carrots even though I've only ever eaten them plain and raw". In one situation you basically have to get them to stop believing their religion. In the other you can just cook some carrots in different ways and have them try it.
Once someone gets past college age it's pretty hard to get them to change their belief in something as powerful as religion.
I just got into a heated debate with someone on Facebook
Considering he smokes cigars, I'm pretty damn sure I was accurate in my analysis of the situation.
Does not follow. As a cigar smoker, I think your cigarettes are trash and I'd rather you stand on the other side of the exile zone if we have to share it. Also, what you heard about gays may have been a reference to the fag you were sucking on. OK maybe that one's a stretch.
I guess since this was misery you didn't get into any legal trouble because he figured if he called the cops, he'd get busted for the 3 lbs of meth in his car.
Oh yeah and I echo what everyone else said. That was actually worse than I thought. I figured he was making some snide gay jokes that didn't go over well. When my nephew came out, my BIL had a hard time dealing with it and it was all I could do not to not make jokes about it.
Snide jokes would of been a "fuck off dude I dont wanna hear your bullshit"..
I dunno, I guess I'm just dreading Christmas already, cause thats when this all happened and I hafta go back this year. I can already see him trying to start shit...