Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Lord Nagafen Raider
It shouldn't be an issue for an adult. And by adult, I mean a grown up who has their shit together enough to not get upset about other guys asking you out on a date. That's what guys do - they ask out attractive, nice women. Shocker, right? Should be a total non issue imo. Like someone just mentioned, have a two minute conversation and call it a day. But I'm also swimming in NyQuil due to a terrible cold so maybe I'm completely wrong. But mostly definitely I'm right. Seriously. Non issue.
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A Mod Real Quick
I agree. I'd be offended I guess if someone knew we were married and still asked her on a date. If my wife ever agreed I probably wouldn't fight to hard to keep her though
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Bonus information...he has not mentioned it on his page either. On my page, my relationship status is not listed....not single, not widowed...not what I am interested. His remains "single....women". I really believe he just doesn't think about changing that kind of stuff.

Well, just makes you wonder if he wants to make it official but doesn't because you don't want to or if he has an ulterior motive. Obviously we have no evidence he's doing anything untoward, but if he has made it a "thing" to stay single in public then that might be an indication why.


A Mod Real Quick
Depends how active on Facebook he is. Like my dad has never posted anything and he's still listed single but he's been with a woman for 5 years

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
He is active. He has a personal page and one to his art business. Honestly, I could pribably just ask him to update it and he would.
Meh, I will share that I am seeing someone. (Previously I just let people know I was dating...but many took that, as I would, to mean multiples).
My close friends and family all know, as does Gravy's.
If he wants to annonce he is in an exclusive relationship that is up to him. I trust him.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I am refusing to stay overnight at my BIL's house because they don't have a spare bed and the wife and I have to sleep on the floor. Wife don't care just wants to hang with her fam. We live 4 hours away. I don't do floors well so don't sleep at all even with the air mattress. I have caved and done it for 7 years now I am getting older and fuck sleeping on a floor at 40.

Am I being unreasonable?

I guess it's too late now, but I was going to say it's only unreasonable if you insist on driving back that night instead of getting a hotel. That cuts into her time with her family.

Oh they have room and we've slept over in their house for years before the policy change. I'm not sure wtf the deal is and I really don't care.

You should probably feel insulted.

Just get a house with enough bedrooms to have people over. Problem solved, right?


I have 2 spare bedrooms. Can't fit a bed into either. So that's the plan, hurry up and get the fucking bed before it becomes storage space.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I can't see any reason to tell New any of this...should I? Is there any reason? What would you expect of a mostly serious not terribly clingy girlfriend? BTW - serious enough that he is coming to Thanksgiving which is a big family deal...

I'd tell him in case he finds out later so it doesn't look like you're flirting. And since it's become an issue (IE people trying to set you up) I'd set up the status and change it so people leave you alone.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If he creates any issue over telling him you get hit on or asked out, chances are the issues will be 10 fold of the information didn't come from you. I'd go with telling him now, hiding a little dirt now makes mountains in the future!


Got something right about marriage
I had an ex-gf who used to tell me whenever she got hit on. She did it to try to incite jealousy and she would get mad when it didn't work. She pretended it was just for the sake of "full disclosure".

There is no need to tell him about when you get hit on. Who cares? That's part of life. It's strange to tell someone everytime that happens in my opinion because I'm not sure how you can guise it to not seem like it isn't just narcissism.

It's also strange to be having a "secret lover" if you ask me but what do I know? I'm not married.
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A Mod Real Quick
I had an ex-gf who used to tell me whenever she got hit on. She did it to try to incite jealousy and she would get mad when it didn't work. She pretended it was just for the sake of "full disclosure".

There is no need to tell him about when you get hit on. Who cares? That's part of life. It's strange to tell someone everytime that happens in my opinion because I'm not sure how you can guise it to not seem like it isn't just narcissism.

It's also strange to be having a "secret lover" if you ask me but what do I know? I'm not married.
In this case it's probably more that you're not a widow THAT WE KNOW OF and having a secret lover might be a bit easier to handle, especially around people that G knew.


Got something right about marriage
Holy shit you're overthinking Facebook.

Not really. Facebook is the cause of a lot of problems in all facets of people's lives. Social media is awful and Facebook is the worst of the bunch, which is why the only thing I have is a LinkedIN profile that I never check.

People who use it generally suffer through having a profile because it's the only way people keep in touch anymore. Not on Facebook? Guess you aren't getting invited to my birthday/graduation/engagement/wedding/kid's christening/etc etc etc.

"How come you weren't there?!"
"How come I didn't get an invite?!"
"I sent it out on Facebook!"

I fucking hate Facebook, and I'd rather miss events with my friends than start hating said friends because I have to trudge through their personal politics and shitty re-links.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I had an ex-gf who used to tell me whenever she got hit on. She did it to try to incite jealousy and she would get mad when it didn't work. She pretended it was just for the sake of "full disclosure".

There is no need to tell him about when you get hit on. Who cares? That's part of life. It's strange to tell someone everytime that happens in my opinion because I'm not sure how you can guise it to not seem like it isn't just narcissism.

It's also strange to be having a "secret lover" if you ask me but what do I know? I'm not married.

Same experience here. I look for that now as a dis-qualifier in my dating.

Women who maintain competition between their ex-boyfriends are bad news. That is some old tribal ape days stuff. Civilized people do not maintain competition between exes.

This 1 chick wanted to borrow my nice car to "run errands". She was actually meeting up with other guys for little meetups to see how her ex's were doing. She then tried to do the same thing to me when we broke up, pulled up in a nice borrowed car that wasn't hers and pointed out like a complete manic psycho how nice it was. Ugh these fucking broads man...
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Well-Known Memer
Screw that. If you have guests and no available bed, you give the guests your bed and you sleep on the floor. If you're making the effort to come and visit, the hosts need to be accommodating. This is basic hosting 101.

You're not being unreasonable


*Also, quit social media and your life will improve
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Still a Music Elitist
So I've had a long distance relationship (I know, dumb) for the past ~2 years. She's the best friend of the girlfriend of a long-time roommate back in my Cincinnati days. So I knew her really well before we got involved. She visited SF two years ago and stayed with me and things skyrocketed from there. Made plans to see each other multiple times a year and I would go back to Ohio and not tell anyone so my family wouldn't feel bad if I didn't see them. Well I just got back from Ohio and we finally talked about how shitty the distance is and the fact that we don't really have any concrete plans of living in the same place unless she happens to get into Cal or Stanford for grad school. We ended things in a very friendly manner and still have sent each other some texts here and there, but it still sucks really hard. Big bummer because we really do love each other but the distance is just a deal breaker.

Fucking thing sucks.
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Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
Alex Alex - I am sorry, honey, I hate heartbreak. :(

Makes my stupid shit seem more stupid - yet I continue with the dialogue...I don't tell New every time I get hit on or actually ever- that would be tedious. He knows I get hit on; um duh - he's seen other men around me. He has remarked to other men as they were ogling me for crap's sake. I agree that because I am a widow and super-fucking friendly people do weird stuff in their heads with that - I don't need everyone up in my business (I mean besides the lovely lot of you, whom I adore).
I did tell him about the blind date stuff in a "huh, wtf sort of way". I asked him if his friends still tried to set him up on blind dates and he made me laugh - he said "Nope, my friends know how I am." Oh gawd, he's a breath of fresh air.
I am not changing my approach on the stupid book of Faces, I will, for as long as I am keeping New and he me, continue to politely decline in private. No advertising one way or the other. He can do whatever he wants.
Why the hell do I think I have to ask you guys shit for which I already have an answer? Oh yeah for my book ;)