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The nerve of some people.
Earlier today ex's aunt texted me asking for a invoice for a camera(that more or less a gift to my ex) the aunt bought on my Amazon account. I obliged her and emailed her an invoice and at the same time told her in the future though if my ex ask her for something like this, tell her no as its not appropriate.
Minute later I get text from my ex saying I dont need to be rude about anything and she still needs her laptops back(that ive been trying to give her brother but guy is a total flake). Against my better judgement I respond simply saying I have nothing nice to say and I owe her nothing. She responds saying "if anything I should be upset not you", since she bought me a ticket to go see her but I didnt end up going. Told her the only reason that happened is because she thought screwing around with other guys was more important than our relationship.
Ill be blocking her number as soon as I give her brother these laptops.
I feel your pain here pal, delusional bints will always be delusional. As soon as I got back what I was owed I blocked my ex's number and fb etc and it felt pretty good.