I should journal this shit. Girl I was with last week now wants me to tie her up.
Should I get a consent form?
Seeing as you're in Canada, while not your lawyer I would recommend against engaging in intercourse full stop unless your skin color is brown and your denominated religion is Islam.I should journal this shit. Girl I was with last week now wants me to tie her up.
Should I get a consent form?
the one praying
to get laid (again)
Is this the same chick that wants you to tie her up?I went on a date with an uberliberal on Sunday.
When she gave hints of SJW tendencies I started razzing her about it. We were at a bookstore and I would point to a book and ask if it was "problematic" or "triggering". She was nice! It was fun!
Is this the same chick that wants you to tie her up?
Stop hiding from your wife. Talk to her, apologize, and do the chores. You'll feel better, she'll feel better, and you can move on with your lives.
Your de-escalation of arguments and prioritizing needs some work. Seriously, take a step back here, and understand you've chosen to play a video game instead of helping your wife out, even knowing she has a hectic schedule. I'm not going to get into the rest of what happened, because you had chances to de-escalate, and instead chose to instigate. Its about prevention and picking battles, which you failed at here. I'm not saying you shouldn't have a spine and you should do what she says all the time, but this is dumb shit to have an argument on. I get you have a day off and its awesome to do stuff thats fun over chores, but seriously man..this is your wife, not some random girl. Just help her out. Presumably, you've chosen to marry this woman and have a kid for a good reason..right?
As far as how your lives have turned out..you have control over that, stop wallowing and figure out a way to fix it together.
GratsAdebisi , god speed on the tinder world.
Things with the wife are bad, we had a major argument the other day that started because I am going to take the day off for the release of PoP.
She had asked me to take 1 day off to help her ( she was going to stay all day with her mom in a minor hospital operation) so I said sure, then last Saturday I told her that I would take 2 days, 1 for her and 1 for me.
She then asked to take on my day off and do some of her house chores, I told her, then that If i did that, then it wouldn't be a day off. We started arguing about our schedules, basically mine is from 7 AM to 7 PM out the house driving to and from work. Her schedule is a hectic combination of school and driving our daughter to speech therapies. At some point I told her she just had a whole week off, (she didn't she had some days off from spring break and her nursing school, she had 3 days off).
She enrages and throws her notebook at me, full on 5 feet away full speed throw, it hits me on the stomach, (not the first she hits me in an argument, kind of the third). So instead of walking away , like I did on previous occasions, I go at her and put the fear of god in her. I said that I would hit her if she continues to hit me/throwing stuff at me during our arguments, and I did meant it. I have been angry at her before, when it is basically a shouting match, over other arguments; but this time it was a different kind of anger, I didn't even raise my voice to speak .
I didn't touch her, but I'm sure i made my point across.
Now she claims that she is afraid of me, but somehow has not put two and two together and realize that my action was a reaction to her becoming physically aggressive, again . And of course will not admit that she is at fault and blames her throwing stuff at me because of the words I said.
I now stay work late, go home, interact little with her, pay EQ, sleep on the couch.
People take off time off work to watch season openers, people take time off work to do something they enjoy that happened to fall within a work day.Lendarios stop for a minute
You're asking to take a day off to play the release of an emulated video game
Let it sink in