Need some guidance or maybe just help thinking an issue thru. My wife of 20 yrs tells me she wants implants. She has never been happy with her size, she has always been quite thin and has thin girl boobs. They have changed some after breastfeeding the two kids but it's not something I have given much thought. It's hard to know how to properly support her, she has shown me tons of examples of girls that I have to admit have made some serious improvements without doing what we would normally scoff at in regards to the big faky look we tend to associate with implants. The majority of the real life photos I wouldn't even be able to tell the person had implants.
My wife is rather atypical, she doesn't spend 30 mins doing her hair, she doesn't wear makeup, and in general seems rather disinterested in wanting attention from others. And I tend to think of women that like to be "done up" as being the women who would more often get implants but maybe I'm wrong on that?
She definitely doesn't have confidence in clothing. I see her order stuff try it, feel she is too small boobed and send it all back. I want my wife to be happy but I also want her safe and I don't want her doing something she could regret. So while I'm not looking for the strong responses of "OMG fake boobs are shit" I'm asking you guys more about how to support a spouse with issues like this. My wife asks for very little and is completely awesome partner.
If I'm too supportive/enthusiastic it could have undue influence on her doing it, and vice versa if I'm stand offish about it she may not do it even if it is something that would make her happier.