Wife has been stressing me the fuck out. I've basically started just doing my own thing most nights because she never is positive about anything.
For instance just this morning I was going to take HER car to get inspected. Because you know... Am man. I woke up at 945, replaced the broken wiper blades, filled the tires, and ultimately it failed inspection because the parking brake wasn't holding. So I readjusted the parking brake and it works again, but inspection stations close early Saturdays so my best chance is going back Monday. Not really a big deal... Since you know... She doesn't work and all. This put her over the edge with a dumb tirade about how I slept so late and if I got up earlier it all would've been taken care of. Like I said... Her car. Well, actually it's mine but that's a story for a different day.
This is a minor thing but it's been pissing me off all day. No matter that I did all of this stuff for her, there has to always be a negative angle to anything. I don't know exactly what point she turned into a miserable cunt but it's very tiring.
So I'll probably just hunt down some hookers and become a serial killer to deal with this