Things are going....better I guess? Smoother would be a better word.
After a few weekends of her checking herself in to get help she decided to take a week of PTO from work and go a full week. They retooled some of her meds and began the process to slowly ween her off of effexor. That's being blamed for a variety of issues she's been having and I can see I've noted a slight difference in her as shes been coming off it slowly. We will see how it goes but it'll be awhile before she can safely stop taking it.
I stayed with my plan to separate all finances regardless. I took her name off of a variety of bills that I can't get screwed on. (Utilities, Insurance) and took myself off of ones like Cable and such. (Don't want her to get creative and order 98876454 PPV's to screw with me) Our place is still in both and our financials are fully split up.
She has made a greater effort to stay in the living room and spend time my son and I. She's more open now about a lot of things, like her day, what she's thinking and feeling...but still has times where she will start to go over that edge of anger before she reels herself in or will get up and go to the bedroom for awhile before coming back out. While this may not seem like anything big to you or others, it's a huge step for her and I acknowledge that.
My son for the most part remains unaffected from what I can tell. He stays at my inlaws once a week just to get time away from any tension that may be in the house. It's good for both us adults too to get a bit of a reset from him as well. While no where near in the realm of Chaos's daughter, he is semi special needs and he is a very demanding child at times. He remains largely unaffected so far though and if anything, with his mothers small improvements, I've noticed him less stressed as well. Which is great to see.
As far as her and I, I'm still open to the idea of a reconciliation but also not holding my breath. I've been going out and hanging with some friends I haven't for awhile so that's been great and I've been doing a lot of fishing both by myself and with my son.
She noticed I took all my collectibles and put them in storage somewhere. She knows why so she hasn't asked too much about it. It went like;
Her: Hey, where did all your sports and movie stuff go?
Me: I moved it to storage for safe keeping
Her: Why?.....*look of understanding*...Oh.....
And that was that.
I'm not opposed to a reconciliation but she knows she has a lot of work to do and she see's I'm not playing. Fully half my things are no longer in our place. She says she wants to do couples therapy as well but wanted to know if I was open to the idea that I'm not perfect either and would be willing to work on things. I told her I know I'm not, I'm far from it and I'm always open to improving myself. That made her feel more comfortable to know that not everything needs to be laid on her shoulders I think.
I'm being extremely cautions. My computer is in my living room now and I took an idea from a friend. I stream a lot of my games and I now have my stream going pretty much 24/7 and when I'm not gaming, I set it to private so no one else can see it but it still records. This way if anything crazy does happen it's documented and she knows about that camera and acknowledges the she knows it records everything and her voice when shes in the room. The fact it's now always going though is something she's not aware of, and that's fine.
I'm now fully prepared for the idea of if I need to go, I can on the drop of a dime. I have paperwork set up with the lawyer that can be signed and delivered same day along with temporary custody paperwork to try to rush the court to allow me to take him with me for my boys protection. I can literally pull a trigger right now and set everything into motion. I am interested in seeing how she progresses though. If anything I'd like to see her get better, even if things with her and I don't work, which right now is a 40/60 thing in favor of it not but I am keeping myself open to the idea of "Well, maybe this could be the moment where she realized everything..." We all have those at some point, the thing is, she has to be mentally able and stable enough to keep that going.
If not, trigger pulled.
I do still love her though, and would like to continue the life plans we had together, but now I'm no longer afraid if that ends up not being a possibility as well.
EDIT: I will say that a very attractive girl I used to work with and has always been flirtatious with me found out about everything and has been doing everything in her power to hook up. It's odd because she's, in all honesty, much more attractive than what I should be able to pull. Our personalities are very complimentary to one anothers though so maybe that has something to do with it. She's sent some very color pictures my way and should said trigger be pulled then i plan on pulling another trigger multiple times soon after.