I don't particularly recall, as the last time we hung out as friends was 3+ years ago. A fair number of the times we hung out was just at my place smoking a bit of weed and playing Rock Band with another female friend of hers who lived in my building at the time. We also bumped in to each other a couple times, either just at a random bar or at a concert or hockey game.
Had a nice, quick dinner with the ex on Saturday to tie up the last loose ends. She gave me back the set of keys to my place she still had, I gave her the last bit of mail that had trickled in, and we discussed the money situation. I let her go first and she said that she wasn't sure how much she could pay me back dollars wise, but would basically sign over her tax return to me when it comes (she figured that would be a couple grand, hopefully), but past that because of her upcoming 2 month unpaid practicum starting in July and then an 8 month paid or unpaid internship right after (still up in the air if she's staying in Edmonton for that, or Calgary) she really couldn't commit to anything firm in terms of a payment plan. I told her that I'd given that some though myself, and that what I felt made the most sense was for her to take her tax return and any other monies she's able to set aside and put it in her TFSA (tax free savings account, a Canadian thing, I knew she had one with a grand or two in it from past conversation). Come late this summer or early fall once she's done the practicum and knows better if she's getting paid for her internship or not, she could then pay me whatever she's comfortably able to. Otherwise if her internship is not paid, then it's doubtful she'll be able to pay me much of anything until she's done her program and back working.
She seemed a bit more at ease with that, and thanked me for being "so generous". I remarked that once again I don't even particularly want her to pay me back, but since it's so important to her that I thought that would be a good compromise. She can squirrel the money away and feel good about not spending it on whatever, but if an emergency happens or she needs to make tuition or whatever, she'll have something to fall back on without having to hit up family or take an a second or third job or something.
Otherwise we kept the conversation light, no discussion of the relationship or anything like that at all. Just small talk about family and friends, and her updating me on what's going on with her practicum and internship stuff. Outside the restaurant afterward when we said bye she gave me a big tight hug, and said in my ear that she missed me. I told her that I missed her too, not to be a stranger, and we parted ways. She was more choked up than I was, not outright crying but she was pretty misty eyed. The only remaining potential loose end other than cash is that prior to breaking up I'd bought 4 tickets to a Metric/Death Cab concert at the end of March. We left it open whether I just give her two tickets and we go separately, or if maybe we go along with other people, or if she just doesn't go at all. They're floor general admission, so we wouldn't be sitting beside each other.