Marriage and the Power of Divorce


Mr. Poopybutthole
There is also the blatant fraud. One of the reasons we can't have nice things in this country (and the few things we have are already super expensive) is because people game and subvert the system because it individually benefits them. Collect enough shit bags like that and suddenly any government programs have a massive price tag associated with them so lazy fucks can continue to be lazy fucks.
Rofl, no. Social programs like food stamps, including the people who shouldn't be benefiting from the programs, are a drop in the bucket compared to our overall national budget. Welfare fraud is like item #712 on the list of things that contribute to the cost of government programs.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Onoes reminds me of the guy who sees construction and the left lane obviously merges into the right but the right is backed up so he uses the left up until the second it merges and then expects everyone to let him in. Like we all didn't realize it would be the faster way to fuck over everyone nicely queued up like acceptable human beings. We aren't dumb we just aren't fucks.

And yes this happened to me yesterday and if it isn't obvious I'm still salty
I hate those assholes. I don't usually try to battle people on the road(especially during rush hour), but I will actively try to make it as annoying as possible for that douche.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Rofl, no. Social programs like food stamps, including the people who shouldn't be benefiting from the programs, are a drop in the bucket compared to our overall national budget. Welfare fraud is like item #712 on the list of things that contribute to the cost of government programs.
I don't think his point was that fraud is a huge cost as-is, but that the reason we have to have those programs as locked-down as they are is because people would take advantage of them. Help should be more available, but it can't be because of idiots.


Got something right about marriage
I know, the casual "so we set it up so that she can still claim benefits and I pay her cash under the table, great right?" attitude is very infuriating. :\ I know he's reading the responses and just going "what are you guys, stupid? it's free money, if I don't take it someone else will, you guys are straight up DUMB" and having no idea why what he's doing is wrong.
Onoes didn't set it up that way. The guy is dumber than a box of rocks. She did all that on her own and he just herp derped along like he does with everything in his life.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't think his point was that fraud is a huge cost as-is, but that the reason we have to have those programs as locked-down as they are is because people would take advantage of them. Help should be more available, but it can't be because of idiots.
Except they aren't locked down. The reason help isn't more available is because nobody cares about helping poor people.


And I don't mean that in the Mist style of absolutes, as in literally nobody cares. Just that poor people aren't important.


Bronze Squire
Onoes reminds me of the guy who sees construction and the left lane obviously merges into the right but the right is backed up so he uses the left up until the second it merges and then expects everyone to let him in. Like we all didn't realize it would be the faster way to fuck over everyone nicely queued up like acceptable human beings. We aren't dumb we just aren't fucks.

And yes this happened to me yesterday and if it isn't obvious I'm still salty
I hate to tell you, but if everyone in the the soon-to-be-closed lane would stay there to the last possible moment traffic would move through the construction faster than if everyone moved over as soon as they saw the closure signs.

Zipper merge: Dont be afraid to stay in the clear open lane until last minute

The beauty of zipper merging, or why you should drive ruder | Ars Technica


Trakanon Raider
I don't post for like 30 hours and I'm gone for good? I just had a busy day yesterday.

So, I just got back from the Lawyers office, and its probably going to infuriate you, but he was basically of the "If its working you DO NOT want to go to court, never go to court if you don't have to, you never know whats going to happen." opinion. He stated that I do not sign anything saying she has the kids more than me, which I had already said I wasn't going to do. He also let me know that the state could, its unlikely but it could, try to bill me for any support it is giving her, so to not help her with that in any way, and to encourage her not to continue it if possible. However, he told me that he would keep doing child support the way we have been doing it, with the addition of having her sign an affidavit regularly that says she received X amount of money during X time as child support from me. If I ever have to go to court those affidavits will be accepted the same as the state child support agencies files would, so I would be covered from her seeking back child support.

Also, I wait in line, I don't cut in. I stop at stop signs at 3 a.m. on abandoned country roads. I don't think I'm an idiot, but Khanes right, I'm not the one doing that shit, it's my ex wife. I don't really have any control over what she does, hell, I was surprised she qualified for assistance.

As for people bringing up how my ex wife handled the stripper car thing, yeah, she did. She did it by doing the dumbest possible thing, putting her life in danger, over a few thousand dollars. I guarantee if I told you I was going to drive up to Vegas with another $1000 in cash, and meet these criminals in a parking lot, and just get it taken care of, you would have all been screaming "YOU ARE GOING TO GET MURDERED" and I think you would have been right. She didn't man up and do the responsible intelligent thing, she got lucky they didn't murder her and just take the money. I don't think if I had been the one to show up we would have had the same result.


Mr. Poopybutthole
So, I just got back from the Lawyers office, and its probably going to infuriate you, but he was basically of the "If its working you DO NOT want to go to court, never go to court if you don't have to, you never know whats going to happen." opinion.
More proof that you don't actually read anything that people say to you. Nobody said go to court right away, we said talk to a lawyer and have him evaluate your situation, and then take steps to cover your ass.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That's why I said they don't work in a city. An open lane would back traffic up for miles
If it's rush hour there's no way to keep that lane open, of course. I'm talking about the asshole who has every opportunity to merge over and waits until the last second(due to either paying no attention or just wanting to save himself 5 car lengths of traffic). Though it's looking more and more likeyouare that asshole. Also, I would kill myself if I had to drive in downtown Miami traffic every day.


Got something right about marriage
I am definitely the "asshole" who waits as long as possible on most occasions. Except I'm not an asshole. It's an open lane and I know how to merge. The people who are trying to stop the people who are trying to merge are the assholes, not the other way around.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That's exactly what I expect the asshole trying to get to the front and forcing a merge, instead of merging when there is an opening to say.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I bet Khane is also the guy who passes up the long line in the turning lane, only to cut into the turning lane at the last second! COME AT ME, MOTHERFUCKEr!!!1


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Rumor has it when a line wraps around and makes a sudden turn Khane just queues at the bend pretending like he didn't know there was more line


Got something right about marriage
You nerds get bumper to bumper as soon as you merge, 3 miles before the lane closes, because you've had a bad day and nobody else is allowed to get ahead of you. You're the assholes, not the people who merge like normal human beings and don't throw a fit when someone else is trying to get in!

I expect Tenks to be a merge prude, but I am disappointed in you Soygen.


A Mod Real Quick
If everyone used both lanes and zipper merged everything would go smoother. Doesn't work like some fantasy autistic land like you guys want where everyone gets in a single queue.

The guys that just out to be in the middle of both lanes so no one can come up and merge are the real assholes.