Marriage and the Power of Divorce


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't often post but here I am as a passenger on a 5 hour drive home in the middle of the night and I'm mad as fuck so here goes.

Tonight my now ex girlfriend left me for someone else. A bit of background - we've being together a year and a half, I run a touring cinema company and she is a failed musician/admin worker. We're both in our early 30s. Things were fine for the first 10 months - we went travelling together, enjoyed partying together and generally were happy spending time in each others company.

This all changed about the start of this year - she went down to London to play with some mediocre musicians (we live in Edinburgh). She made a few contacts, had a good time and came back and was quite happily working her day job and gigging at weekends. About 6 months ago one of these dudes in London got in touch and asked her to organise a tour of Scotland for his band and rather than paying her offered for her to put together a support band and split the proceeds 50/50. This guy claimed if she sorted the venues he had a ton of great PR agencies to promote it. She unsurprisingly jumps at the chance and I'm pretty enthusiastic for her. As time progresses this takes up more and more of her time and she quits her job. I wasn't delighted about this but she was scraping her rent with gig and dole money and I was pretty much paying for every other aspect of our lifestyle. She then falls out with her entire family over a heap of shite, I obviously side with her and support her through this. She then falls ill with a bit of cluster headaches (look it up, it's brutal) and I nurse her through the 3 month bout of this.

All this while I'm working myself into the ground doing 50-60 hour weeks as my business grows quick and very quickly becomes a constant ballache. I knuckle down to ensure me and her stay afloat. After a few months of this I've noticed changed in my demeanour - miserable all the time, don't have time to go drinking with my pals anymore, no time to read, go to the cinema. I can't even do anything with her because paying for both of us from everything become unaffordable. It affects us, we talk and we seem to get where each other are coming from and all is well.

6 weeks ago she goes on this tour and it's a massive flop. She's weeping in my arms the two nights she's back after the first couple of dates closer to home then she's away for two weeks. She makes it back, a bit more optimistic than when she left but effectively did 6 months work without getting paid and left us both struggling. The following two weeks she literally doesn't have a penny ti her name so I find myself putting my hand in my pocket again and getting us through it. During this time she's keeping in touch with some of the dudes she was touring with. I then depart to work away for 17 days.

The first 10 days everything seems fine, we talk every day as normal and then communication trickles off until the last 3 days she isn't answering my texts or calls. She's started a new job so I'm cutting her some slack but getting concerned. I pin her down on fb messenger last night and say I'm looking forward to getting back on Friday, what's she up to? she's acting strange, saying she'll come up and see me on Sunday and pretty much nothing else.

I try to call her a couple of times today but nothing and at this point I know something is up. I ring her and eventually she answers and I demand to know what's going on. Eventually she tells me she thinks it's not working out. I ask her if someone else is involved and she says yes. I immediately name the person from this tour she's being mentioning the most to me recently and she says no and she's not going to tell me. I eventually drag it out of her and it is indeed the guy I first named. He lives in London and she says she's gotten to know him well over FB and this is how she feels. She starts daying some bullshit about how we don't talk anymore and how I work too much. I demand to know if she cheated on me while touring and she still denies it but I'm pretty sure she's lying. Fucking bitching even phoned me up for money while she was away.

I'm about as angry as I've ever being. I just can't get my head around it. The bitch has clearly used me and has dropped me for some cunt she's known less than two months. Literally don't know what to do.

Tldr I'm a fucking fool. Cheers for reading

You wrote a lot here and my reply is going to seem really short. She did you a huge favor, there are plenty of chicks who are fun to be around when you're financing their life. Find a woman who does not need your money and who you can think of as an equal.

By how upset you are about it, it seems like you really had deep feelings for her while she did not have them in return for you. So she did you a huge favor by cutting it off and not simply milking you for however long she could have until you woke up. You dodged a bullet here somewhat. Cheer up.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
QFT! When my ex found out I was happy and enjoying life more without her than I ever did with her, that was when she tried to start some crap up again. By then I was completely over her and when she called me one night and started demanding that I do something I just laughed and said "that's never gonna happen, and don't call me again." then hung up. Those are the last words I ever spoke to her, and I feel pretty good about it.
I look forward to a similar phone call.
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Saor Alba
You wrote a lot here and my reply is going to seem really short. She did you a huge favor, there are plenty of chicks who are fun to be around when you're financing their life. Find a woman who does not need your money and who you can think of as an equal.

By how upset you are about it, it seems like you really had deep feelings for her while she did not have them in return for you. So she did you a huge favor by cutting it off and not simply milking you for however long she could have until you woke up. You dodged a bullet here somewhat. Cheer up.

I'd be worried about anyone who wrote a reply long enough to match my initial diatribe.

You're completely right in the last paragraph. In some moments of clarity I've realised I'd been feeling like my ex must have, not just at the end but over the course of the relationship, where the roles were reversed. Maybe karma is a thing.


Still a Music Elitist
My guitar teacher back in the day always said drummers aren't musicians. His son is a drummer. I wonder if he feels great shame.


Got something right about marriage
Your guitar teacher must not listen to jazz.

Or was it more like "Drummers aren't musicians. They are music itself."
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
You did remember to change the locks and box all her shit up, right?
Thankfully dont need to change the locks, she never had a key to my house. I have boxed up the few things of hers I have, supposed to meet her brother and give it to him.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Dalven Dalven Move on, now more time for friends and fun.

PS: I 100% enjoy your use of British words, arsehole, cinema, etc.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
You forgot cunt. I love how saying cunt is like setting off a nuclear bomb in the US, but for a brit, it's just the most commonly used word (or so it seems).
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Saor Alba
I'm surprised I didn't say bawbag once either in that outpouring. The natural propensity for swearing here definitely helps with some creative venting.

Anyway, I'm going to be alright - thanks for the advice pals!
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What the fuck is up with the amount of women who own pit bulls? Seriously now. Did the dead beat piece of shit they where previously with leave them with it?


Avatar of War Slayer
My friend been going through a divorce that I honestly expected, but guy was lonely and went for it (they are young).

No kids, no major martial assets and both work at basically equal pay. Wife decided to take a few trips on the dick carousel and friend tried to repair marriage at first, but ultimately the bridge has finally broke. Will be an uncontested divorce at 50/50 split financial assets and physical assets basically split by want, is current trend apparently...

The guy is mad butthurt over the blatant betrayal and not thinking straight. He left the house but had a mutual tablet with all social media logins saved. He went to her accounts and snooped and it was apparently 100x worse than anything she confessed to, like really bad. They leave the area for work so a lot of this happened during business trips. I don't feel a lot of sympathy because hes my partner in crime from childhood and I tried to warn him, but still want try to give the bro best advice. Marriage is 100 % done, no chance of revival.

He wanted to post all the nasty shit to her FB wall and I had to talk him down. Settle finances and get the divorce set before doing stupid shit is my stance at the very least. Dude is deadset on doing it, not in a position to fly over and slap sense into him, but apparently the girl is talking mad shit to mutual friends painting him as some monster and its eating at him.

At this point my fucks given are pretty low because I gave so many red flags against this crazy cunt. Do I try to urge him to be a better person and best revenge is success, or let him scorch earth and enjoy the 30seconds of retribution?


The Scientific Shitlord
My friend been going through a divorce that I honestly expected, but guy was lonely and went for it (they are young).

No kids, no major martial assets and both work at basically equal pay. Wife decided to take a few trips on the dick carousel and friend tried to repair marriage at first, but ultimately the bridge has finally broke. Will be an uncontested divorce at 50/50 split financial assets and physical assets basically split by want, is current trend apparently...

The guy is mad butthurt over the blatant betrayal and not thinking straight. He left the house but had a mutual tablet with all social media logins saved. He went to her accounts and snooped and it was apparently 100x worse than anything she confessed to, like really bad. They leave the area for work so a lot of this happened during business trips. I don't feel a lot of sympathy because hes my partner in crime from childhood and I tried to warn him, but still want try to give the bro best advice. Marriage is 100 % done, no chance of revival.

He wanted to post all the nasty shit to her FB wall and I had to talk him down. Settle finances and get the divorce set before doing stupid shit is my stance at the very least. Dude is deadset on doing it, not in a position to fly over and slap sense into him, but apparently the girl is talking mad shit to mutual friends painting him as some monster and its eating at him.

At this point my fucks given are pretty low because I gave so many red flags against this crazy cunt. Do I try to urge him to be a better person and best revenge is success, or let him scorch earth and enjoy the 30seconds of retribution?

If you are his friend point out that he will be giving her cause to go after him in court if he pulls that shit. That is harassment at minimum, and possibly worse. And he will be confirming her bullshit stories if he goes down like that as well. If the mutual friends are important, then maybe let 1-2 of them see the logs in private and gossip will handle the rest. Unless they are his bosses at work, though, probably simpler to find new friends.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not a good idea to release pictures and such. A lot of States are starting to crack down on revenge porn.


Got something right about marriage
What the fuck is up with the amount of women who own pit bulls? Seriously now. Did the dead beat piece of shit they where previously with leave them with it?

Pitbulls are pretty great dogs when they don't have shit owners. Not every pitbull has been turned into an underground dog fighting beast.


A Mod Real Quick
Pitbulls are pretty great dogs when they don't have shit owners. Not every pitbull has been turned into an underground dog fighting beast.
That's true but there are a lot of shitty pitbulls out there. Coincidentally my mother's daschund is the shittiest, most miserable dog I've ever met.

Mrs. Gravy

Quite Saucy
Re pit bulls: Every shelter within 100 miles of me have an abundance of them. All, esp. the no-kill shelters market very well on social media sites and the doggies are pictured nicely. So...not trying to draw a direct line here, but this may be relevant as to why so many women now have pit bulls for pets. I actually know several women with them...and each dog has been well behaved, as in not aggressive and typically very loyal and often even sweet-natured.