Silver Knight of the Realm
- 95
- 7
Juggy might still happen
Hey all,
So you may notice that we closed TC down for the night, and there's a reason for that!
We believe we've discovered the issue causing the crash and a fix has been made internally, ready to be tested. Unfortunately, a build can take several hours so we're going to be deploying that fix to Test Center bright and early tomorrow.
From there, it goes...
Scenario 1: The fix works! The build spends the day in Test Center and we patch Saturday morning around 7am PDT. Juggy arrives, Operation Omega is here, everybody rejoices.
Scenario 2: The fix does not solve our problem completely. We will patch Saturday morning around 7am PDT with the Midtown Madness build I described in my previous announcement. We still have an awesome weekend.
Thanks for your patience everybody!
Ryan 'Ryolnir' Collins - Community Manager, Creative Designer