- 14,135
- 35,731
I did my red in about 50 minutes of boost-time (not counting hub time) with around 660%. Clearly I'm inefficient! What's your method?
I did midtown too when I leveled another hero to 60. The cosmic gear from the boxes helped out greatly. So pretty much it was midtown until I was in full cosmic then holo sim to 25ish and then red terminal LQ to 60. I went back to midtown to catch up on gear around level 45.Yeah that's basically what I did, although rather than sim to 25ish, I did Midtown since it was Monday. Sim is what I'd normally have done.
Hate you. I just got over 1k. *cries*FINALLY maxed my Omegas this week... Such a relief!
I disagree... I did a lot of Tasky runs and the switched to Hood. It seemed Hood overall is much better if you add it up on a per hour basis. The inconsistency of Tasky map makes it a little less efficient.Stack xp boosts and farm Taskmaster....and only Taskmaster.
3k omegas so far this week~
I was also using Capt. America to do runs (with zig) for the 50% bonus (stupid SW doesn't get it). So I think having the burst (w/ area) dps helped with Hood and his adds.I'm playing Scarlet Witch for my omega farming.
I keep comparing Task vs Hood for times and from my observations Taskmaster is faster for me.
Hood has some crap trash around him and he bounces around a bit. With Taskmaster he spawns in the exact spot and you get a few seconds to line up a shot. I drop my dots on the ground as he is appearing and fire a hex sphere at him right as he becomes active so he starts out stunned. Pop signature and 3x nukes and watch him explode.
Hood just seems to take a bit longer with the fight and the load time of the 2nd portal.
EDIT: Now as I spend more omegas (I maxed Legion first to try it out) Hood is exploding like he should. Going to farm this guy a bit to switch it up.
Damn it! Spiderman was the one I was going after, too...wish I had seen this thread before the reddit one. Everything was gone when I finally got around to it. Anyway...if anyone else has a key they got they can't use, let me know. I was going for Spiderman, Wolverine, or Iceman mostly, but there's still about half the roster I don't have.I took that Spiderman without even thinking about the fact that not only was it a dupe, but it was a single use key. Here's the Winter Soldier key that I fucked myself out of being able to use in exchange.
So an extra 200% xp bonus on top of whatever event is going on makes xp really fly. The quickest way to build your synergy bonus is to level 4 heroes to 60, then every hero you have to 50, then grind them to 60 as you have the time for it.1 hero at level 60 = +30% xp bonus.
2 heroes at level 60 = +20% xp bonus (50% total).
3 heroes at level 60 = +15% xp bonus (65% total).
4 heroes at level 60 = +10% xp bonus (75% total).
5+ heroes at Level 60 = +5% xp bonus for each hero (in addition to the 75% bonus from the first 4 heroes you have at level 60).
Additionally, each level 30 hero grants a 1% XP bonus and each level 50 hero grants a 3% XP bonus.
XP bonus maxes out at +200%