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Marvel Heroes 2015 1.55 Patch Notes - Marvel Heroes 2015
Anniversary stuff: June marks the two year anniversary of Marvel Heroes!
To celebrate the anniversary month, we don?t want a ton of hype and flashy stuff, but we do have a few nice birthday gifts to distribute and a few solid systems improvements that we?re focusing on for the month.
Here?s how the schedule looks for the month:
Week One (This Week):
Birthday Present! -- Birthday Cake Mark 2 Login Gift!
Dr. Doom is released
Thing?s Level 52 Design Review launches
Team-Up System 2.0 launches
Permanent Retcons are Permanent launches
The start of our Ascending Anniversary XP Bonus! 22% starting today and increasing by another 22% every day, resetting for the next week's patch!
Week Two
Birthday Present! -- Free Hero of Your Choice (pre Doctor Doom)
Plus, birthday cake slices drop and players can create more Birthday Cakes!
Week Three
Birthday Present! -- Free New Surprise Pet for Everyone! Dance!
Plus, the return of COWPOCALYPSE
Plus, the biggest Play with Devs event yet!
Week Four
Birthday Present! -- Free New Surprise Team-Up to Celebrate Team-Up Mark 2!
Plus, the return of the revamped A.R.M.O.R. Incursion Event!
Throughout the Month
Tuning Upgrades, More Unique Reviews, Bug Fixes, Quality of Life Stuff, Live Streams, server side exp boosts, another Team-Up from the Advance Pack, etc.
Additionally, Retcon Devices have been converted to Ancient Forgotten Devices and stack up to 9999. You can exchange them at Clea for various different items, including a special pet, Reliquaries of Rarity, and Mysterious Crimson Boxes.