On top of animation lock some of her attacks are also a huge pain in the ass to aim at big bosses such as Surtur or Onslaught. Solid damage though and a self-heal finisher make her a lot more interesting than say Luke Cage.So I got Captain America and She-Hulk through cosmic gate.. Cap wins first try with no challenge bonuses, a half leveled legendary, shit for artifacts(ASSS), and even shit for blessings (crit/dodge). Didn't ultimate.
She-hulk, fucking hell. Bitch gets instagibbed in midair 3 times while wearing some of my finest lutes. Her animations are so fucked. I almost respec'd her to some crowd control shenanigans just to cheese it. Won by ultimate on the hard part.
Yay an actual challenge.[Red Axis is gonna push some shit in it seems.
Alright sweet, i'll check a few of those guys out.You can use every single one of her steal/borrow powers if you were so inclined, although you only have room for so many on your action bar. Hawkeye is an upper mid/lower top tier hero since his Age of Ultron review, but he's only a 200 splinter hero so I wouldn't take him as my freebie if I were you.
The 600 splinter heroes are Doom, Deadpool, Dr Strange, Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Rogue, and Spiderman. I wouldn't take Dr Strange as a new player, and Deadpool still needs his 52 review which is likely to be 2-3 months away, so I wouldn't recommend him either. You should do ok with any of the others. I recommend taking one of them as your freebie because if you took Hawkeye, you'd essentially be wasting 400 eternity splinters.