I'm beyond salty with this fucking game right now. Last night I decided to learn to play support and spent a couple hours in Quick Play learning Mantis, C&D, and Luna. I did well on all 3. Obviously, I'm not amazing, but I was doing well.
I switch over to competitive and the next 25 matches were 3-22. I went from Plat I to Gold III. At first, I thought I must just be bad, but I led healing for 85% of games. I didn't die to stupid things (mostly, getting dove with no help) and was a legitimate force multiplier.
However, after about 7 or 8 games I started to realize it wasn't me. The teams were just trash and as support you get to see a lot of stuff I never saw as Hulk because I was constantly harassing the other team.
I finally realized that as Hulk I was semi-carrying teams by providing so much disruption by diving their support and other squishies. I literally almost never stop jumping. The longest I ever stay on the ground at one time is about 5 seconds and it's just to slap around a target and then I'm out. The time they took to deal with me or run from me was enough for their tanks/dps to get shit on.
I haven't seen a single Hulk play like that. Well, not on my team. I did have an opponent Hulk flying around the map causing a ton of problems and I understand why what I was doing was so disruptive.
I will say this though, I earned a lot more respect and understanding for support. Their healing is great, but it can only do so much. If you're getting focused and not doing anything to help yourself, they can't save you. Also, if your positioning is bad it puts them in a horrible position and both of you are going to die.
I never bad mouthed healers as Hulk because when I died I was usually halfway across the map, but the number of absolute morons who would say "healers need to heal" after I poured every click and button press into them for a literal minute and they killed no one, makes me want to find them in real life and choke them the fuck out.
I tried to communicate with my teams about what they needed to do, but I guess at plat/gold people feel like they have it figured out and don't listen.
I have absolutely no problem staying in the spawn when I know the team is a lost cause. I absolutely refuse to get farmed with idiots. Sometimes I even tell the faggots that I am doing a shit job (when I am objectively doing above average) that I'll just stay in the spawn and read online how to get better since I'm not doing anything anyway. They lose their shit and threaten to report me -- every time.
This is why I don't play team-based competitive games. I hate people, but I hate stupid people with a fury that I cannot put into words.