Marvel Strike Force.


The Scientific Shitlord
So, this just came out like 5 weeks ago. I started last week. Seems pretty solid.
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Throbbing Member
So, this just came out like 5 weeks ago. I started last week. Seems pretty solid.

Played this for a month right at launch. Game is almost a complete copy of star wars galaxy of heroes. I quit though because it is time consuming as fuck to try and keep up with everything and was impossible to be competitive without spending a crapload of money. Mainly because all the beta players didnt get wiped when the game launched so you have a portion of players with like a 4 month head start.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The beta players are (primarily) on a separate server - there's 2, one pre-launch and one post-launch, although there was some fuckery that got some people on the wrong ones that they've been addressing (if you find yourself on the pre-launch server as a new player you can log a ticket to get moved). That mostly affects Blitz though, Arena is divided into way smaller chunks on each server itself.

I started playing a few days after launch and all I've spent is $10 for one of the starter packs and I don't feel left out. The game is grindy as hell but it takes maybe 20-30 minutes a day to blow through all the various energies unless you feel like micromanaging your Blitz teams (which is effectively pointless). I really loved MAA2 and this is clearly the replacement for that, I never played GoH but I'm enjoying this. The main grip is that, with how grindy it is, it'll be ages before I can actually try out different teams in raids and the like.

I'm top 100 in my arena group consistently and I'm playing pretty casually, just logging in twice a day or so to burn all my stuff. Find a semi-decent alliance on the reddit and you're good to go.

As another note, do not buy anything other than the $10 "hero" packs if you do want to spend any money. Literally everything else is not worth it, they seem to be testing breakpoints for different items / costs and the prices are all over the place and insane. I'm sticking with not spending more money (even though I usually spent like $10/month on these kinds of things) until they sort out their pricing.


Trakanon Raider
I've been playing this as well, started a few days after launch I think. Been playing for about six weeks.

I can't quite break into the top 100 arena ranking, though I've been as close as 111. I'm wondering if I'd do better waiting until closer to the arena day closing and doing all of my attacks then (15 min apart). I usually do 2 at Midnight when the daily objectives reset.

I played SW:GoH for a while and enjoyed that one. Lost interest sometime right around when they were adding the raids.

I didn't buy Captain America for $10 on day one, and wish I had. Still haven't quite unlocked him. As for spending money, I bought to gold package that was offered when I hit level 50, cost 20 bucks (roughly). Was really feeling the gold-pinch at the time, and was about to unlock Thanos, so bought the gold to catch Thanos up quickly. I'm still struggling on the gold front. I just hit level 57 and my entire A team is level 55. Spreading my resources a little thin, I guess.

One thing that that is frustrating about this game is that everyone uses the same characters. I'm guilty of it as well. The only character I use that I don't see much is Kingpin. I just got lucky early and got him out of premium orbs. Otherwise it's all Captain America, Yondu, Quake, Drax, Gamora, Crossbones, and some use Hawkeye. I really don't understand everyone using Crossbones. I ditched him as soon as I got Kingpin. Every time I go to the Arena it's just kill the Crossbones and then kill the rest of the team. If they've got Drax then I attack him three times (Gamora, Hawkeye, and then Yondu dispels his taunt), then kill Crossbones.

My arena team is: Gamora, Hawkeye, Yondu, Quake, Kingping. I use Thanos instead of Kingpin on defense. Working on getting Drax leveled and caught up, but I didn't start spending arena credits on him until after I got Quake to 4 star. I want to run Drax and Thanos on defense, though I'm not sure who I'll sub out. Probably Quake.

Are you guys placing in top 500 on blitz? Best I've done is 1-10%, which is where I regularly finish now. I really only have two effective blitz teams. All my other characters are too spread out on power-level to make good teams with. I figure once I hit level 60 I can start spreading the resources around some and make third and fourth teams that work well.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Top 500 is absurdly hard to achieve, they have basically everyone in the same blitz shard unlike Arena. I've had a guildie at 380k or so, and got rank 1190ish. After attempting to rank 500 on Black Widow's event and failing miserably, I've said fuck it and just routinely land the 135k (or occasionally 190k) milestone and that has never failed to get me 1-10% ranking.

TLDR Blitz is bullshit pay2win due to combined shards. Fun game though, the raids are interesting and a welcome change from SW:GOH style raids. Wondering what the Alliance Wars / Alliance Helicarrier stuff will be like.
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Molten Core Raider
If you started playing at launch top 500 is definitely doable without whaling. I did 600k in the last Vision blitz with some blitz charges to spare. You need some weak teams that can win a few times at tiers 1-3, I do three level one minions and two stronger characters that are 500-1500 power. Then a few teams of people that are 2000-4000 or so. And finally my top 3 teams are 82k, 51k, 30k and win most fights at tier 8. If you are going to lose a blitz fight, force-closing the app will prevent you from losing your progress in your current tier.

Arena is semi RNG depending on what shard you are on. Some of the newer ones have had older accounts transferred to them which makes it impossible to stay high ranked until everyone catches up after a month or two. My shard doesn’t have any of those people so I’m top 20 every day even if I don’t push when the timer is ending, and 1-5 when I do.
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<Bronze Donator>
started playing this a few hours ago, liking it more than i thought i would. it reminds me of Dissida Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, but the Marvel setting works better for this game format imo.


The Scientific Shitlord
If you want to speed it up there is a p2w aspect to it, but if you want to f2p it out ain't nothing stopping you. Still enjoying it, personally.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the tip on force closing to save blitz progress. I need to balance some of my lower characters a bit, because I do not have more than 3 teams that I can count on to win in blitz.


Golden Squire
Started playing this a couple of days ago. Its definitely SWGoH but with marvel characters. Is Black Widow worth this $10 starter noob purchase? 3 star.


Molten Core Raider
Started playing this a couple of days ago. Its definitely SWGoH but with marvel characters. Is Black Widow worth this $10 starter noob purchase? 3 star.
Yes. The $10 starter offers are by far the best deal in the game, and Black Widow is the best character available in the starter deals.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm still playing this every day pretty reliably, I am pretty happy with my alliance and general progression. I'm kind of expecting the character usage to diversify as time goes on, older players will have a bigger pool and newer players will probably have access to different things, right now the pool of easily-accessible strong characters is like 6 or 7 so not surprised that those are the only ones we see. Adding the Mega Orbs to Blitz rewards is fantastic and I think it'll also increase the character pool in the long run, but it's tough to call what the game is going to look like in 6 months when it not even been 2 full months yet.

The difficulty on some of the campaign nodes is still fucked, I can easily 3-star a node and not even be able to 1-star the next node. I'm actually still stuck on the last node of Nexus 6 after unlocking it ages ago, I think it'll be weeks before I can beat it much less 3-star it but I'm willing to bet as soon as I clear it I'll be able to sweep the next set of nodes without a sweat.


Trakanon Raider
My alliance is a bit behind. In the past three days we've just now been able to get the T2 rewards out of the level 50 raid. We're finally getting those ability mods flowing in better.

What are your all's thoughts on raid credits? I'm of a mind to use them on purple gear orbs, but one of my buddies tells me he thinks I'm a dummy for doing so. He thinks going for the character shards is a better use of the credits. His thing is, there's no way to predict what's going to come out of the orbs, and so it's a bad use of the credits. My thought is that no matter what comes out of those orbs, one of my characters is eventually going to use it, even if it's not someone on my arena team right this minute.

Looking forward to this Deadpool raid. I pulled 66 shards out of the event, which seems to be pretty standard. Couple of guys in my alliance got 82, definitely jealous of them.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Use raid currency on specific purple gear. Orbs are trash for what they cost. Just check the store all 3 times daily (resets every 8h) and snag what's useful and not easily farmable. For me, it's those white phosphate vial things.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
The blue orbs are technically cost efficient, but the number of pulls is never going to make up for bad RNG. The purple orbs are nearly twice as expensive as just buying the purple items individually, for the off-chance of getting a "completed" gear item you need (bad investment). Thor is a good investment early on, I've primarily been dumping mine into individual blue / purple gear to power up my A-team as fast as possible, I've gained a little bit of ground on the top people in my alliance but not taking them over anytime soon. Now that I have a few hitting Gear 9 I've started splashing some Thor shards in. For campaign energy, I'm trying to split between A-team shards (cap, Yondu, Gam) and gear I need and I just unlocked Winter Soldier node so now him.

Another random tip: If you are playing the long con, once you have Gamora unlocked you can just buy blitz orbs with that currency as it's the most efficient way and eventually you'll max out those characters and it'll be a colossal influx of Ultimus shards but that's like, months and months down the road, and you're unfortunately mostly just ranking up dumb A.I.M. goons in the process. If it was Ninjas or S.H.I.E.L.D. goons it would be way less painful.


Golden Squire
Yes. The $10 starter offers are by far the best deal in the game, and Black Widow is the best character available in the starter deals.
I fucked up and leveled before I saw this and the deal disappeared. Is there a good tier list available for this yet? I've seen a couple that dont seem to be accurate.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Most tier lists I've seen have Iron Fist as top hero, everyone else is crap.

-edit- Forgot to add, he's even better when paired with SHIELD Trooper.


The Scientific Shitlord
Just got her at 6 stars today. Got into an active raid crew that can 100% 50+ raid, so I am now getting enough mats to get everyone topped off. Yondu is almost ready to take her spot. Another day or two until I unlock Cap, then I have to get him levelled and geared and all that shit. Then my A+ team will be go. Cap/BW/Quake + NN + Yondu. If they get the team bonuses to not suck might swap Yondu out for Hawkeye. 5 more levels to 60. Taking 3-4 days per level now doing 600 energy daily.


Trakanon Raider
I’ve got my arena team all level 60 and tier 9. Gamora, Yondu, Quake, Hawkeye, Thanos (defense), and Kingpin (offense). I’m finishing top 100 and have made it as low as 37 without spending Cores to battle.

My alliance doesn’t clear the 50 raid, we’re more like 75-80%. I hope we’ll start clearing them in the next week or so.

Trying to get my blasters caught up, still doing the T4 challenge and cannot get a star on the T5 yet. Villain and cosmic teams are slowly getting stronger as well. Recently got Korath, fits for all three of those things.

Energy not spent on my arena team is really spread thin. I’m on 6-8 villain and Kingpin is at 9. Frustrating that I can’t farm him yet. I’ve had him since way early and almost have him to 3-Star just from orbs.

Recently got Cap and a second node to farm him at. Drax is also behind.

So many things to try and work toward.