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MCU finally getting some quality villains!
Incoming "I'm Dr. Doom, Bitch!" *toots Namor's horn* ?
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MCU finally getting some quality villains!
MCU finally getting some quality villains!
Obviously I'm excited for this news if it comes true, I've posted about it several times. And while I look forward to the potential for some truly well done properties instead of the clusterfuck some of them have turned out to be, I do sort of echo the sentiment that it could really cut down on the number of "obscure" characters that get put into movies in the future. A perfect example being my boy Beta Ray Bill. Sure, hardly anyone but me gives a fuck about him, but it was cool to think that he still might end up in a future Thor or GotG movie, etc. Now they would be kind of dumb to use a character like that when they could put OMG WOLVERINE or someone else like that. Sure, there will always be a need for secondary peripheral characters, and my hyperbole about Wolverine doesn't really fit that need, but then again, why not? It certainly isn't that terrible of an idea to have the "new" Wolverine (assuming Jackman doesn't stick around to do the Avengers movie he's always wanted to be in) pop up for two minutes in Captain Marvel 2 or another one. Someone like me would be stoked if it were BRB, but pretty much EVERYONE would be stoked if it were Wolverine.
The positives definitely outweigh the negatives here with this potential deal, obviously, and I'll be first in line for whatever movie they put out with the new characters, so I'm not really complaining. I guess what I'm saying is that I need for them to literally make like 12 movies a year, one per month. As long as they were near the same quality as what Marvel has put out before, but with different takes like Deadpool and Logan and even New Mutants for a few of them, I'd probably pay for IMAX for almost every one of them. Fuck superhero burnout, give me a well-made Thor 8 with Beta Ray Bill that faithfully duplicates Walt Simonson's BRB run. If they do that kind of shit, I pledge to go see (almost) all of them in the theaters AND buy the 4K blurays (eventually, on sale). I don't give a fuck what other people say about burnout, these are the movies I've always wanted made, and I can't see myself getting tired of them unless they turn into crap like the Fantastic Four movies were, etc. Fuck, give me a Marvel All Access streaming service where they make Netflix-like series but have fired Perlmutter (sp) and tie everything together, even TV shows, and I'll fucking monthly subscribe to that even. I'd rather watch endless (decently made) superhero stuff than Yet Another Cop/Lawyer/Hospital Drama. The added bonus is that some of the movies or shows could literally be a Cop or Lawyer Drama, just with fucking superheroes!
Sorry, got a little ranty/excited there. I just had a discussion with a coworker about superhero burnout specifically related to this potential purchase, and it rustles my jimmies that they'll watch every goddamn version of NCIS but think too many superhero movies would kill the entire thing. I think we're too far past that point, superheroes are here to stay for a long time anyway, and I'd give almost anything to see Marvel put together a cohesive universe of movies, television, animated stuff, even fucking books (not talking comics). I hope this deal is the stepping stone to making something even a tiny bit like that happen.
EDIT: Yes, I realize I started off sounding almost against this deal, that's not it at all. I just worry that we'll only focus on all the big name stars now if they get access to the ones they really want all of a sudden. I want them to inundate me with so much content that I get to see obscure characters now because why not?
I can imagine you writing some whiney shit to a girl who wont go out with you![]()
I'd take that dig quietly from someone that hadn't written just as much about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.I can imagine you writing some whiney shit to a girl who wont go out with you![]()
BRB is also a goat person. He's not a cute girl with big tits that looks very fuckable.
I'd take that dig quietly from someone that hadn't written just as much about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.![]()
FF vs. Fin Fang Foom. Marvel's monster genre movie.Fantastic 4 deserves to be done right. Dr. Doom would be a great villain and Galactus being done the next level of Dormammu style would be awesome. It all just needs to be done and Secret Wars? That would be so awesome but i'm not sure lighting can strike twice. They're pretty well Pixar level. You expect a meh movie every 8-10 movies but even those are better than most other movies. Not sure if they can keep it up but who knows?
FF vs. Fin Fang Foom. Marvel's monster genre movie.
I'd take that dig quietly from someone that hadn't written just as much about Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.![]()