Fun times ahead.
Fun times ahead.
Wonder if this is where Moon Knight will show up.
GHOST RIDER And HELSTROM Will Kick Off A Series Of Marvel Shows Under A Banner Called "Adventure Into Fear"
We recently learned that Marvel Television is developing new original series for Disney+, and now Jeph Loeb has revealed more details on their plans for horror shows like Ghost Rider. More past the
Source article covering lots of stuff: Marvel TV Boss Jeph Loeb On Secret ABC Series, Disney+, ‘Legion’ End, More Crossovers, ‘Ghost Rider’ & Hulu Plans
I don't want Marvel TV to do Moon Knight. I want Marvel Studios to do it.
Marvel TV IS Marvel Studios moving forward
Let me rephrase then. I want Feige controlled Marvel to do Moon Knight and not Jeph Loeb. Feige is not doing Hulu shows. Those are the Disney+ shows. From what I've read the only shows that are truly linked to the MCU Phase 4 are the ones announced on the timeline. The Hulu and ABC show will be treated like say Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix shows were.
Marvel's Black Widow casts world's tallest bodybuilder Olivier Richters
As filming continues on Marvel’s Black Widow, bodybuilder turned actor Olivier Richters has revealed that he’s just finished shooting a role in the Phase Four-launching spy superhero adventure. “I can finally tell you guys,” wroter Richters, a.k.a. The Dutch Giant (an appropriate moniker
Marvel's Black Widow casts world's tallest bodybuilder Olivier Richters
As filming continues on Marvel’s Black Widow, bodybuilder turned actor Olivier Richters has revealed that he’s just finished shooting a role in the Phase Four-launching spy superhero adventure. “I can finally tell you guys,” wroter Richters, a.k.a. The Dutch Giant (an appropriate moniker
Dude doesnt get symmetry. Work them calves.His legs seem to skinny for his arms, I get that he could bench me wth a finger and knock me out by punching me in the shadow, but it really seems like he has been skipping leg day.
spidey in the MCU is great b/c he's working w/ a hundred years of seasoned actors and directors who give a damn, contrasting that with spidey in the stand alone movies and nogress MJ, i mean wtf.disney wanted to co-finance and get 50% of profits (a true partnership), Sony wanted to keep the current arrangement where Marvel has a heavy hand but Disney only gets 5% of the profits. Makes sense from Sony's side but it sucks as a fan, means no Spidey in any MCU movies and all the cool side MCU shit is probably gone from any more spidey movies.
I wonder what it means to stuff like Into the Spiderverse though, that was Sony but it clearly had tons of lifted chars from MCU too, didn't it? Or is everything Spidey related - Kingpin, Green Goblin, etc - all its own little slice that Sony can liberally use. no clue
Eh, feels like there's too much money to be made on both sides to not get something done. Wonder if this is a leak to put more pressure on Sony.