Marvel Universe stuff


<Gold Donor>
Plus Gambit is gay.
Grimmlokk speaks the truth.

If I could instantly make a great movie for a lesser-known Marvel character (assuming Deadpool is out of the question for whatever reason), it would probably be Beta Ray Bill. Yes, I am one of the few that liked him. Obviously a movie would be too tied into the Thor stuff, but showing him on his home planet, before his modifications, blowing shit up with his intelligent ship (Scuttlebutt I think it was called?), then taking up the power of Thor and getting his own hammer...could be pretty cool if done perfectly. Tons of CGI though to make him look good, and I sincerely doubt anyone but the biggest comic nerds would give a fuck about him or his plight because he looks sort of like a humanoid horse. And he has a stupid name.

If I wanted it to succeed, I'd do Cloak and Dagger. Do it right and even chicks would eat that shit up. And I always liked them, so I'd be happy seeing it done right.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There were rumors of a Cloak and Dagger movie at one point a few years back but nothing ever came from it.

For another smaller character I think could make a cool movie I wouldn't hate a Jamie Madrox/Multiple Man movie. Just because I think they could do some cool stuff with him, and there was a pretty cool series of him a couple years back on his own(mostly). With modern CGI it'd be like, Multiplicity with badass action. Or it might suck....I dunno.
If they are gonna do the lilliputian end of Marvel I wish they woulda done The Micronauts instead. Probably the only toy based Comic that was worth a shit, it had a pretty a great story once it got rolling. Bug was an awesome overlooked character.




<Gold Donor>
Oh man, Micronauts were awesome. I even owned most of them before they got all out of hand. I had Baron Karza and Prince Oberon I believe were their names, and they could change into centaurs. Acroyear was another of my favorites, because he pretty much just wrecked shit.

Rom the Space Knight wouldn't be bad if they modernized the suits a little. I remember one of the annuals (that I own somewhere) they brought in a bunch of his Space Knight buddies that looked way cooler than he did. Was a cool storyline, even if based on toys.


I remember reading the full Rom run fairly recently actually, it was pretty solid in concept and had some real depth and darkness to it as well.

I'd really like to see Marvel put out a good girl character "for girls" either for TV or movies or whatever. It'd be nice to see female heros that are more than boobs or sex kittens.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
A year and a half ago there was news of JJ Abrams doing a Micronauts movie with the writers of Zombieland but... that was the last anyone heard of it, far as I can tell.

Still, with all the characters under Marvel's umbrella you guys are talking about the Micronauts and Beta Ray Bill. It's like some meta-joke I don't get.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i'd love to see a Heroes for Hire movie... though, that might be a better fit for TV with an episodic nature


I doubt you will ever see a Rom movie. I think Marvel let the rights expire to it and Parker Brothers has full control over it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Micronauts? Rom? Beta Ray Bill? As movies? You guys can not honestly believe any of these would ever get a real live action movie or TV show dedicated to them.

Of course, I could have said the same thing a few years ago about Ant-Man. All it takes is one good modern run to make a character seem viable. There's some amazing writers out there now, more and more you're seeing these nothing characters get great reviewed runs.
Micronauts? Rom? Beta Ray Bill? As movies? You guys can not honestly believe any of these would ever get a real live action movie or TV show dedicated to them.

Of course, I could have said the same thing a few years ago about Ant-Man. All it takes is one good modern run to make a character seem viable. There's some amazing writers out there now, more and more you're seeing these nothing characters get great reviewed runs.
Personally I am amazed any super hero movies / tv ever gets made. I grew up in the age that every comic property that was attempted was so fucking bad mountains of coke had to be involved to get those projects green lit.

one exception ... hot ass Linda Carter as Wonder Woman



It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
What I'm itching to see is more comic writers getting a shot at screenplays for their characters. A Bendis Spider-Man film or Ennis writing a real Punisher movie. These guys know the characters inside and out would be much more efficient in writing revealing character moments that blend well with a large overarching story. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't taken off already; screenplays and comic scripts are not far apart.


Avatar of War Slayer
Captain Marvel rumors for next.

Would fit really well. Ties to Avengers, GotG.
Marvel itself trying to push her.

and yeah, hints are for Carol.


They could use another strong female character, so Carol Danvers as either Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel makes an excellent choice I think.


<Gold Donor>
Micronauts? Rom? Beta Ray Bill? As movies? You guys can not honestly believe any of these would ever get a real live action movie or TV show dedicated to them.

Of course, I could have said the same thing a few years ago about Ant-Man. All it takes is one good modern run to make a character seem viable. There's some amazing writers out there now, more and more you're seeing these nothing characters get great reviewed runs.
No, I know that none of those would ever get anything made about them, and that's why I made a point of saying something like lesser known or minor characters. It would be too easy to name off big characters I'd like to see, because for the most part all of us would want to see them, and they have a better chance of being made. If I say I'm really wanting a Power Man & Iron Fist movie, that's too easy.

But Guardians of the Galaxy is a perfect example of something I'd have never figured would get made into a blockbuster movie, same with Ant-Man, so who knows where they might go next? And to be honest, Micronauts probably isn't a terrible idea if the company is looking to revitalize their brand like Transformers did.

EDIT: And I'm fully behind a Carol Danvers movie. Rather that than a She-Hulk, for example.


Vyemm Raider
umm was there not a cloak and dagger mini-series in like the early 1980's.. or am i just thinking of something else--scurries to google..ayup...there was

damn i am getting old....

imo tv series that have potential

cloak and dagger- good potential

Iron Fist/Heroes for Hire- very good potential

DareDevil- very doable- done right it could be a combo Crime/Court Drama as well has a superhero show

dr strange- maybe..depends on how they portray him

punisher- can we say 10pm cable slot say Fox or like Stars/hbo/whatever

ABC has had a very successful venture into branching out a series character into multiple media- not superhero, but the show CASTLE(my current favorite tv show)

main character Richard Castle(nathan fillion) is an author that has written 20odd best sellers, ABC ghost wrote- author Richard Castle, 4 books -so far-(naked heat, frozen heat, heat rising, heat wave- not in order the Nikki Heat books) that have gotten to the top ten best seller list for hard covers, also another character that is in the series- the character castle wrote BEFORE Nikki Heat- Derrick Storm has a graphic novel out now- done by marvel...

so if done RIGHT, totally doable to cross market a good show across multiple media platforms. comic, book and TV.


Molten Core Raider
Another benefit with a Carol Danvers movie would be a sequel where Rogue takes care of Ms. Marvel's unfinished business because of the stolen memories and powers. There was a comic book where Rogue broke into SHIELD's flying carrier to bust out one of Ms. Marvel's friends. He was oddly not too happy with her despite being rescued...

Not sure this would mesh well with the existing X-Men movielines though.