I'm sad to see this show end, although I feel like the last half of this season was significantly worse than the first half. Them jumping around through time made for some great moments. The fucking bad guy for the last half just sucked (I can't remember his name). One of the worst villains ever. And the end was kind of a purposeful time-tangled mess, but eh, it worked well enough. It was nice that pretty much everyone got a happy ending. I'd have liked to see the cut Deke ending too though. He was an annoying yet strangely endearing character, and I like that he stepped up at the end.
I've been a huge supporter of Skye/Daisy since practically the beginning, even when everyone was saying she was terrible, so it is nice to see people liking her in the end.
That chick in the bar (when they brought in all the O-8-4s, the one that shot Garrett in the dome) stood out so much that I had to look her up. She reminded me of the Baroness from GI Joe, but I knew that wasn't possible. It seems that was a younger version of Victoria Hand, who was played by Saffron Burrows in the early episodes. So that was pretty cool. I know some of those other people are probably supposed to be people with connections as well, but she had such a distinctive and memorable look that it was bugging me until I looked it up. Kind of ridiculous that she ganked Garrett immediately like that and no one really cared, but whatever!
I really hope Daisy continues in any future SWORD show. I could happily stare at her for years to come.
Anyway, like I said, kind of sad to see it go, but it had run its course. The previous season didn't inspire me at all, and only the first half of this one really rekindled my interest, so it was probably time to be done. I'm happy that the show existed though, way more good memories than bad.