Marvel's Avengers


Trakanon Raider
Thor style reminds me of a much less well done God of War kind of. Could always get better. Lots of QTEs it seems like, never been a fan of that shit at all. I’m not sure what to think tbh.


<Bronze Donator>
What are you guys seeing that's so bad based on that video?

it felt like going through an amusement park ride. the quick little cutscenes mixed in to the middle of combat are pretty jarring. and the combat seems like it's more of an old school beat-em-up/brawler than the action RPG that i was hoping for.


Trakanon Raider
Eh, the combat could stand to be a bit faster and more impactful (especially Thor), but it doesn't look bad. And they've clearly made some tweaks to Widow's face, and have it looking a lot better, so I'm less worried about the art side of things.

Too early to make any real judgements on the world or mission design. This is the tutorial level, which you would expect to be the simplest and most linear, so it's hard to tell how much that will carry over to the rest of the game. They have said that the rest of the game is more open, and involves less ping ponging between characters, but they haven't gotten specific enough about just how different it is. Does make me want to see what a later mission looks like.

Really, so far the dialogue is the only thing I have a real problem with. Something about it is very...I don't know--Saturday morning cartoon-ish? Especially coming off of something as well written and voice acted as Spider-Man PS4.

So yeah, I'm still intrigued enough to be keeping a close eye on this one.


Macho Ma'am
I think that Scarlett Johansson is Black Widow now. Kind'a like Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man.

Good for Marvel, horrible for anything that comes from comic books except say CoH/CoV.
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Trakanon Raider
And finally, here's actual non-cellphone gameplay from Gamescom:

Making allowances for the fact that this is the tutorial, and thus the most basic form of the game possible to ease players in, the gameplay looks decent. Thor and Tony need more oomph behind their basic attacks, both in sound effects and enemy reaction, but otherwise it looks good. And the characters do look better than they did at E3.

The next time they show the game someplace, they really need to come with a demo of a mid-game mission, something more representative of the game's level and mission design. If the later levels are going to be more than corridors, then they need to show that off fairly soon.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
One of my biggest issue with this game is that they are clearly basing their visual aesthetics on the movie version of the characters, but with none of the movie's actor. It has B movie feel, tt feels rather disconcerting, I feel they would have been better served with going with visual aesthetics based on the comics.

This game is just not doing anything for me.
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Trakanon Raider
Ms. Marvel got announced as playable character #6 at New York Comic Con.

Christ her powers are creepy in realistic graphics.

But happy to see footage that isn't the Golden Gate demo for the fifth time.


<Bronze Donator>
Okay, not much combat to go on, but that alone has given me a lot more faith in the narrative aspects of the game. Nothing super remarkable but solid.
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Tranny Chaser
This looks like a decent enough story and the action looks entertaining. I'm willing to give it a go.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
it's been said... i LOVE the cast... but i don't know if i'll ever see them as the avengers.
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marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>

As Studio Head at Crystal Dynamics, Amos says that “loot boxes are dead” and that Crystal Dynamics “never even went down that path.”

Hell ya! Might buy the fucking collectors edition for that quote.


Trakanon Raider
Another new trailer, this time providing an overview of the game (aka: the thing they should've actually ended their E3 presentation with):

While their marketing strategy has been... lacking, I am actually optimistic about this one. But I really need them to show off some substantial non-tutorial gameplay.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
This wasn't doing anything for me, I still don't like the art direction, but after this trailer I'm slightly interested in knowing more.


Silver Knight of the Realm
As someone that spent a ton of time playing Mavel Heroes despite all of it's flaws, I'm definitely interested in this. Seems to be a similar model of regularly adding new heroes, and the combat looks like it will be way more fun than traditional iso view arpg. My main concern now is with the monetization, because this is going to be a full $60 game. I'm hoping the initial base game and content justifies the initial price before they start the parade of new character packs, costumes, etc that will be churning out.
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Trakanon Raider
As someone that spent a ton of time playing Mavel Heroes despite all of it's flaws, I'm definitely interested in this. Seems to be a similar model of regularly adding new heroes, and the combat looks like it will be way more fun than traditional iso view arpg. My main concern now is with the monetization, because this is going to be a full $60 game. I'm hoping the initial base game and content justifies the initial price before they start the parade of new character packs, costumes, etc that will be churning out.
So far, it looks like the monetization is based entirely (aside from the box price) around costumes. I know they've specifically said that characters, levels, and story content will be free, and I think they've said there won't be any P2W stuff, so that should also cross gear and exp boosters off the list.

We'll see if they actually stick to that long term, but as monetization models go, it's not one that I'm inclined to raise a fuss over.
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On the verandah
One of my biggest issue with this game is that they are clearly basing their visual aesthetics on the movie version of the characters, but with none of the movie's actor. It has B movie feel, tt feels rather disconcerting, I feel they would have been better served with going with visual aesthetics based on the comics.

I'm with you here, especially the underlined part. Anyway, I know I'll be playing it no matter what. I still pine for Marvel Heroes whenever the subject comes up, and anything that promises to get me even CLOSE to the fun I had with that game... well, they have my money. Hope it turns out great.
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Trakanon Raider
Here's the trailers and footage from today's livestream. Things are definitely looking better; I don't know if it's going to hit quite the highs of Spider-Man PS4, but I am actually looking forward to it.

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Silver Baronet of the Realm
So it looks like the rumors were true and Ms. Mary Sue is the main character. Fucking retarded.
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