Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy GOTG from Square Enix


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The voice acting is so fucking bad in that video. It sounds like 1 person doing 5 different voices.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
As someone who enjoyed the campaign in Avengers, I was looking forward to this but was waiting on reviews. I read/watched a few and decided to pre-order today. It looks like something I will enjoy.
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<Gold Donor>
Only two reviews that matter to me and they both seem to really like it - as an interesting aside, these two reviewers are both "banned" on Resetera because I guess they aren't faggy enough. Enough said, and between the two they generally align with what I like:

  • 1Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
I still can't imagine why they didn't stick to the original faces/voices, I'd imagine a large portion of people who'd want to play this are doing so because of the movies in the first place. I would have bought it if it matched the movies, but its too jarring otherwise to keep me interested from just a gameplay perspective


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I still can't imagine why they didn't stick to the original faces/voices, I'd imagine a large portion of people who'd want to play this are doing so because of the movies in the first place. I would have bought it if it matched the movies, but its too jarring otherwise to keep me interested from just a gameplay perspective

2 reasons off the top of my head, first is money. It’s probably quite expansive to get the rights to use the likeness of the actors, also they might not be interested in doing voice work. The second reason is that if they used the likeness of the MCU characters then it probably would have had to be “canon” and part of the MCU which would have limited what kind of story they could tell.

I do understand your point and I agree that it’s probably a turn off for many people.
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<Gold Donor>
What I'm hearing is they totally changed the stories (origins, motivations, etc) in this game so as to be wholly separate from the MCU. I'm also reading and seeing that it's for the better, and in fact in some cases (by reviewers I trust) they end up preferring the game version of the characters more and the story more by the end of the game.



Tranny Chaser
I played through the first two chapters and I'm liking it so far. Its a nice blend of the comics and MCU versions to come up with something familiar yet different. I'm kinda wondering how much the choices I am making matter in terms of the overall plot.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't watch the ACG review yet, but did watch Skill Up. I think I'll pass on this game due to the combat, it is the weakest part of the game and what you'll be doing most often. Maybe when its on a deep discount.
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FPS noob
amazon delivered deluxe edition of game, its REALLY nice. kinda shocked at how much better it is. You get a cool box (WHATS IN THE BOX), a really nice steelbook, a great small artbook, and usual DLC crap.

Installing now, 32 gig install on PS5 with a 5.8 gig day 1 patch. I rewatched GOTG1 last night on D+ and thoroughly enjoyed it, been years but the movie holds up super well. Might watch GOTG2 tonight.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The VAs they got for Quill and Rocket are so bad. I'd give the game like 2/10 higher score if they'd coughed up the money for actual talent like, say, Troy Baker and Steve Blum.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I think I am close to the end of Chapter 3 and I'm really enjoying the game so far. The characters are great so far, there's a LOT of dialog between them during mission, some of which is very funny, some of the humor falls flat but for the most I'd say it's pretty darn funny. The soundtrack is awesome, I find myself singing along a lot since I was a teenager in the 80's and it's some of my favorite music.

The story so far is ok, nothing special but I think it's reaching a point where it will pick up due to what's happening...but it's a typical GoTG story, they're broke and trying to make money.

I'm enjoying the gameplay, while the maps are fairly linear so far, there are a few side areas that are easy to miss, I like that each character has a few ways they can interact with the environment to open some side passage or a way to move forward, nothing too hard but it's fun enough.

The combat reminds me a little of Tales of Arise, where you control 1 character with others being AI controlled and they have special abilities on cooldown you can use once in a while. It's not the best, but it's not the worse either. It's good enough for me. I haven't tinkered a lot with the skills and crafting yet so not sure how much customization you really have.

I like the dialog choices, some seem to have an impact but I am not sure how much yet. In one instance, I sided with 1 character in situation and got a message that they trusted me and gave me their passkey which I didn't have a use for yet...not sure if it will come into play later.

All in all, I am really satisfied with the game.


<Gold Donor>
Heads up for any AMD bro's playing this on PC - I downloaded latest drivers before jumping in last night and noticed that the character screen and other areas would "black out" or shadow them so you couldn't see them. Messed with settings last night to try to fix but no luck. Jumped on Reddit and you will have to roll back drivers to 10.2.2021 or whatever and it fixes it.

That said, had it running at ULTRA and RTX on High and it was running smooth as butter and utterly beautiful. The characters models and the facial movement is about as good as I've seen, and some of the reflections in the environments are superb.

Enjoying this - but it's definitely a linear story driven game and the combat is an afterthought. I'm okay with that, as I'm pretty into the story now in Chapter 3 but some may be put off.


FPS noob
I've only finished chapter 1 but I'm really enjoying it. The VA is a little off at times, but the writing and jokes are pretty good and there is a shit load of side banter throughout the game. Combat is kinda meh, feels a bit unpolished.

Only really big strike I'd say is the collectibles, if you miss anything you are kinda fucked from what I understand, replaying chapters doesn't quite work for collectibles or something? Have to redo them in new game+? Thats pretty bizarre.

For a 20-30 hour single story, no bullshit GAAS/service shit this is pretty fun and I like the characters, world, story, pacing, pretty much all of it. Runs like a dream on PS5 so far.
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<Gold Donor>
Yeah, the game to me just feels refreshing - no bullshit GAAS, no MTX, no frills - just a short-ish, good story driven game with exceptional graphics and good music. I can't say it's a 10/10 or anything (to me, probably an 8/10) but it's been great playing a few hours after work every night just going through the story.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Shame they could not get the actual voices or at least higher tier talent, but yeah. This game is hitting all the right notes for me despite not being anything ground breaking. Just a good all around well executed fun game. Knowing the actual comics instead of just the MCU versions helps get into the story a bit more, but its entertaining regardless.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm on chapter 8 now, and characters and story just keeps getting better. I'm really enjoying it.

I cannot stress enough just how much banter there is between the characters. It is really impressive how many lines they wrote and recorded.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The voices haven't bothered me at all yet. Only 45
minutes in but the game is extremely entertaining. It feels like a mix between Jedi Fallen Order and a Telltale Game.
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