Just finished this last night. I have no knowledge of the Iron Fist comics, I'd never heard of him until I saw him Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
It was a little slow in the beginning. They could have played it differently by making it more ambiguous if he really was a crazy homeless guy or not. Again, it felt rushed and like poor writing. Just have no one believe him, including the audience, until he lulls the orderlies to apathy one day, palms a few pills instead of swallowing them, and then boom, glowing hand breakout! It would have been more satisfying.
I was pretty much fine with how they brought him back and gave him back his name and position, pretty standard stuff though, plotwise. Why he ever trusted Faramir is beyond me though. Didn't he always fuck with him when he was a kid? Like Bunker from Banshee did? Meh, just making a character naive for no reason is really frustrating to watch. Didn't he learn anything besides martial arts in 15 years? Don't monks also teach wisdom? Isn't anyone capable of thought anymore? Daredevil didn't suffer from this sort of thing, at least that sticks out to me now.
Everyone turning out to be Hand towards what, episode 8? or so is kind of facepalm worthy. Aren't there any other other factions around that might have a say in things? What about the chaste? There must be more to them than just Captain Mancuso.
How does he not know more about what his chi can do? I mean, even the non magical folks here in NotKun'Lun (sp?) have theories about how it can heal people and do other things besides break stuff. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon came out before Danny's plane crash.
The action I thought was merely ok for the most part. We haven't had a lot of soft style wushu/kung-fu in movies and TV for a while now, it's been mostly a mix of other, more hard-hitting styles, and just outright brutality. Banshee immediately comes to mind. Or the Raid movies. So I think the soft style movements depicted contribute to what people are seeing as "poorly done" action scenes. As an example, the scene with the drunken guy was pretty good, I thought. Also the scene where he disarms the Rand corp security guards with the greatest of ease using almost no strikes. That said, Finn Jones needs a LOT more training to make it look passable. My own background in martial arts allows me to spot things more readily, but his skill isn't even high colorbelt level, let alone master asskicker level. Hopefully that improves for Defenders or S2 of Iron Fist. Other than that though, I actually liked Finn's acting job. I was surprised by his ability in this respect.
The series really could have benefit from some good flashback training montages and scenes. No good martial arts story is complete without the training scenes! They are likely saving all of that for later, but they could have skipped a lot of the corporate boardroom bullshit for some good training scenes instead.
My biggest problem though is what the hell is Iron Fist doing? Why is he there? I mean, I get that part of the show is him searching for his purpose, or he's confused if he should destroy the Hand or whatever (it's unclear to me, which is poor writing IMO). But what's his plan?
Daredevil wants to protect Hell's Kitchen and score occasionally. Punisher wants to punish and kill the people who the law can't or won't. Kingpin wants to control Hell's Kitchen so he can make it a better place eventually. Luke Cage is about setting an example for the rest of Harlem to follow, and to show you can stand up to The Man (who are all other black dudes, lol). What's Iron Fist supposed to DO? Fight crime? Destroy the Hand? Be a billionaire do-gooder (homersimpsonboring.mov)? Protect Kun'Lun from afar? Learn how to use his left hand? Avenge Renly Baratheon? 13 episodes and I have no clue.
There's potential here, but so far this show is a case of wasting it.
PS: Joy totally looks like
Capri Cavalli.