I'm like halfway through this and goddamn is it boring as fuck so far. First couple episodes were ok, but jesus christ, enough with Castle's back story. So he worked for a black ops hit squad and killed people in Sand Land who might not have needed it, big fucking deal. If he's going to start offing government/CIA types, why is it taking so long to get to it? Why do we need endless forays into him talking with Micro's wife about nothing while Micro watches with a look on his face that says, "Goddamn I hope she doesn't start fucking him."? Why do we need to know about all the members of 1-legged Medic's support group and all their hangups? How is that interesting or relevant to a dude who's supposed to go around punishing scumbags in New York with violent righteous vigilante justice?
Hopefully this picks up, but as of episode 7 or whatever I'm on, this is just boring.