So, played the final PS4 version last night (had been watching a friend play the early XBone one prior) and reflected on the opening part of the game.
The good:
Combat- What is there is balanced and polished. The jump pack adds a few extra wrinkles to it, though hovering is a death sentence on harder difficulties.
Space Graphics- Anything involving a spacecraft, planetary background, or open space looks amazing in this game.
Class Customizing- No locked in class, you can just pick what you want and level it.
The bad:
Animations- I cannot remember a game this poorly animated and done so inconsistently. Daddy Kurgan is actually rendered and animated very well, as are a few ancillary characters. The main character and virtually any of the party members? Completely fucked. Its made worse in that you can actually make a decent looking protagonist (by hard jamming the sliders to extremes) but then the lighting, textures, and animations within the main game put you right back in fugly town. My best guess? They sampled the super models for the base image and then applied facial scans of orca girl doing the dialog and it did not translate well, hence them uggoing everything at the last minute on purpose. Basic shit like syncing mouth movement and eye tracking just sucks massive dick all over the place in this game and sadly the female protagonist is the worst of the bunch. Most of the issues seem centered around eye tracking and cheek movement.
Cover System- Absolutely no consistency on what gets you into and keeps you in cover in this game. And on Insanity, if you are not in cover (and not spamming charge/nova) you get roasted very fast, so this is a big issue.
Controls- Putting a power button on L1 when L2 is the hold down to aim button earns the designer a special place in hell. Limiting the player to three powers on keys is criminal as well, especially when so many of the skills are slotted ones. Worse yet, they could have simply used the D Pad for added slots, since ordering squadies around has been dumbed down to the point of being useless.
Cooldowns- This is more of an issue in MP, but the new cooldown system is going to make low level biotics simply play as "dude with the best gun in my inventory" most of the time. Worse still, the lack of real impact on the cooldowns from weapon choices means everyone is just going to use the best available weapon at all times (usually the assault rifle) since there is zero reason not to. The ME3 system could have used some tweaking, but this is simply bad design.
The ugly:
Textures- What you make in the character creator bears little resemblance of what it looks like in game and this is mostly down to the odd skin textures it uses once you begin playing. Worse still, there are things in there that are flat out laughably bad, in or out of the editor (lipstick shades, any of the facial hair options, ect) that never should have made it to release. Its also inconsistent. Several background grunts have well crafted (and even animated) facial textures, but the protagonist looks like they have a terminal acne problem and Cora is so plastic my wife asked if she was a robot. This sort of shit in a game meant to be realistic looking just makes for a massive uncanny valley vibe.
Save System- Whatever shithead decided this was a good idea should be fired and blackballed from the industry. No further discussion needed.
Writing- The core story is not terrible on the face of it, but any conversation involving the protagonist or party members gets cringe worthy really fast. Maybe next time, hire actual experienced voice talent instead of a blue haired hambeast for your main character in the 40mil flagship IP product.
Newb Graphics Follies- We have all seen the hilarious over the top clipping gaffes from the early PC streams. I did not experience that, but what I did pick up on were numerous immersion breaking clipping glitches. At several points, the eyeballs of the main protagonist were literally clipping through her closed eyelids. I also saw the rain inside the sealed helmet thing. The lightning strikes are all the same exact copy pasted animated object that looks like a Shatner era Star Trek effect. Guns clip through bodies of their users when hauled out (seriously ME1 did this right) of the backpack. Translucent effects on the helmet glass is super primitive, especially when compared to other reflective surfaces in the game. And a ton of other minor things that stand out....
Social Justice- Knowing who wrote this shit and what virtue signalling is made the whole experience worse for me. If I were someone who had no idea that these agenda pushing retards existed, I might have been puzzled at the dialog at points, but knowing what I do it was just face palming at all the little mini pushes to their agenda that they tucked into this game, especially knowing the history of the main devs. I hope the main takeaway that the bean counters at EA have from this release is never to let ideologues of ANY stripe turn your flagship IP into their personal soap box.
Bottom line, if you have no interest in the MP (which is still decent enough), wait for this to drop in price like a rock. There is zero reason to day one this shit and I am embarrassed for having done so. Its not Torment: Tides disappointing, but then again that game didn't torch through 40 million dollars just to push the feminazi shit on me randomly, either. This game is a disaster at every level, though it runs bug free in the PS4 at least. If I worked at EA I would be embarrassed that this shit went out like this. They should have scrapped the entire thing when it became clear to them (apparently two years ago) that the core graphics animations were not salvageable. I wanted a Mass Effect game and instead I got Call of Duty: Gone Home Edition.
TLDR Version; Amod change the title of this thread to "Mass Effect+"