- I would like to hear what you have to say since you rented it.
I have a theory.
I think I know what your theory is, but anyway...
All the criticism is spot-on based on what I've seen so far.
Animations are a goddamn shitshow just like everyone said. Combat stuff is decent, but wouldn't surprise me if they were able to recycle a lot from previous ME games. Literally every single conversation and cutscene is fucked up in multiple ways and the facial animation is the worst I have ever seen in any game worth talking about at all. Bug-eyes, duck lips, poor lip sync overall, random T-poses... it's got it all. Running around the ship/nexus, there's a disconnect between character and environment. The scale looks off, stairs might as well be ramps, etc. Running around planets isn't too bad, but the camera is practically shoved up your ass so it's less noticeable anyway.
Models aren't much better at least for humans/asari. It's not 'cartoony' it's just amateur hour like everything else. You can probably make a decent looking Ryder in the character creator with enough time invested, but the game is just going to shit on it anyway so why bother. I grabbed some presets from a GameFAQs post and it's passable I guess. When she's not moving and the face has a neutral expression, that is. Aliens seem fine overall.
Sound/voice/music are pretty much as ACG said. Sound is pretty good, but also probably has quite a bit of recycled effects from ME trilogy. Voices are amateur sounding all around. Not much of it is really offensive to the ears but there's nothing special either. The downgrade from Jennifer Hale to Fryda Wolff is massive, as expected. Dude Ryder sounds like he came into the studio and the director said, "uh, shit man, I dunno... how's your Nathan Drake impression?" Even Natalie Dormer is just kind of there. Music is frequently non-existent like others said, and nothing memorable when it's there.
Inventory seems like a return to ME1, both good (mods) and bad (everything else). UI has lots of usability issues on consoles, too many button presses to do anything. More on that under combat too. At least there's a graphics option to turn off film grain and chromatic aberration. I had a good laugh at their [completely wrong] description of what CA is though. I don't like that there are no Pro options at all. I would at least have liked the option to have the engine attempt 1080p60-ish rather than just getting 1800p30 checkerboard.
Combat is where I differ from other people. I think it's bad... really bad. I hate the removal of the skill wheel, the 3 power loadout, and the inability to command squad mates. The combo system was dumbed-down, but despite that I still have to land both the opener and the finisher myself almost all the time. The new cover system is more annoying than anything. Guns are mostly recycled from ME2/3 so at least they're ok. Biotics seem gimped just like in 2; can't affect anything with a shield which means you're fucked on higher difficulties, especially without team ammo powers from your companions (I assume they are exclusively from consumables in ME:A). I'm playing on normal anyway. I play pretty much all good games on hardest or second hardest, and even played DA:I on nightmare, but in this case the last thing I want is for the playtime to be padded with reloading and redoing fights where I died.
Story I don't really have a comment on yet. Expectations are very low after the "a lot changed in 600 years" intro, and of course the dialogue being cringy most of the time doesn't help.