Master of Orion


Mr. Poopybutthole

Unification government, tolerant, +1 production, large homeworld


Democratic government, lithovore, rich + large homeworld

Unitol is an unstoppable production juggernaut, it's absolutely ridiculous. Demolith has tolerable production, fantastic research, and expands pretty easily due to not needing food (more available planets and no need for freighters).

And I overstated how bad creative is, it's very powerful it's just way too goddamn expensive and thus creative races start very slowly. If you're left alone long enough (especially with custom ships turned on), you will be unstoppable as a couple ships of yours can destroy a much larger fleet, but it's rare for the AI to give you the time you need and another player never will.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Reminder for the people saying "even if it sucks at least I'll still be getting MoO2 as well!"
MoO2 on Steam > MoO2 on GOG - not that GOG is bad, but Steam is 100x more convenient. I did purchase that earlier today as well though - so I guess $56 towards supporting MoO2 is more accurate.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Appears MoO3 has been heavily patched by the community, with some great reviews. Anyone try those?


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
One of my favorite MoO2 builds on Impossible was something like Creative, Subterranean, Large Homeworld, +Industry, and - to pop growth, and all the combat/spy things. There was an early tech that gave you + pop growth building that would negate the - pop growth and after that I would just spam out colony ships like mad, and make a bee's line for Titans and Gyros. If an AI demanded something I would always give it to them for the first 1/3 of the game. Once I had 7 or so Gyro-Titans nothing could stop me. I might lose a colony or two at first but it would never be a major set back. I also use the "exploit" of placing a colony in the same system as another race, and then giving that colony to a third race. That would guarantee the two AIs would go to war.

The only times I would possibly loose is if I played on a small galaxy with few planets and had those two repulsive AIs for neighbours as you couldn't talk to them to appease them and you couldn't outgrow them before a war started.


Elisha Dushku
Seems like a likely slamdunk, since they're just refining what was basically perfect instead of reinventing the wheel..
Wargaming giveth and Wargaming taketh away. Much is similar, but there are starlanes. Edit: No tactical combat at release, but it has been promised and def must choose research.

Older build gameplay with the old everybody's creative tree (now gone - see Steam forums), end comment promises tactical combat.

Master of Orion Gemeplay PAX Aus 2015 - YouTube

Warning: Presenter apparently doesn't really that half the stuff he's excited about was already in MOO2.

Edit2: Re Gavinrad post -> Creative and Tolerant are both overpriced.


Elisha Dushku
Recent Images. Spoilered for ease of access.

Races: First six available at EA release

Trading Screen. Some new options like "Share Charts"

Spacelanes and wormholes (previously called blackholes)

Random shot.

Random shot.

Planet Management Screen


Elisha Dushku
Two more

Victory condition screen (excluding Antarean Victory - which is supposed to be in the game in its final form AFAIK)

Tactical Combat and Custom Races may be in at Early Access per this SS



Mr. Poopybutthole
Seems like they're just taking moo2 and cramming a couple modern design choices into it, and it doesn't look like an improvement. I don't fucking want space lanes, and I don't think I want the new victory conditions either.


Elisha Dushku
Seems like they're just taking moo2 and cramming a couple modern design choices into it, and it doesn't look like an improvement. I don't fucking want space lanes, and I don't think I want the new victory conditions either.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Seems like they're just taking moo2 and cramming a couple modern design choices into it, and it doesn't look like an improvement. I don't fucking want space lanes, and I don't think I want the new victory conditions either.
At least it's small tweaks - tweaking the existing design makes me far less leery than drastic ones would. Worst case, MoO2 is still there for me - but there's a glimmer of hope here. Yes there's reason to be dubious too, but it could go either way.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
space lanes is NOT a small tweak.
With how interconnected those are - seems like it for the most part when you're talking about "midrange" fuel limits.

Yes, it removes the "tactic" of skipping star systems to jump straight for a home system first with insane fuel limits. But it also gets rid of the hassle of having ZERO expansion choices until tech catches up that could happen as well. (And mind you without seeing how tech operates it could easily have a "limit from home star" thing that emulates some of that)

It's a small tweak to me as a result - too often a MoO2 randomization could end up feeling like a islands map in Civ. Lanes for better or worse will have consistency to them.

Like dare I say how the Xcom reboot functions vs. the originals? If you told me X/Y/Z would happen predictably with little variance I'd have told you I was leery that could ruin XCom - but guess what, it didn't...


Mr. Poopybutthole
Actually I'm more interested if they're making more than just a few tiny changes. Sorta like Xenonauts did with the original XCom.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wouldn't worry about the space lanes, after the upcoming combat video, odds are you'll never bother with MOO4. According to devs it is a hybrid TBS/RTS.
Ugh - RTS? Seriously? That bodes poorly for me too then.


Elisha Dushku
Ugh - RTS? Seriously? That bodes poorly for me too then.
Seems to be the case that we're getting the game the Russians MOO2 fans want, which is not necessarily the game the US MOO2 fans want. Devs are much more involved with the Russian official board & etc. and I gather that Russian players were the origins of starlane movement instead of traditional MOO2 movement.

I'm going to guess that the hybrid TBS/RTS is because Russian fans want playable multi-player. You can play MOO2 with two humans + some number of AI, but beyond two it's not a good multiplayer game. Since I happen to play MOO2 2 person+AI multiplayer fairly regularly, I am open to a hybrid RTS combat if it improves that experience. Even with 2 players, there are significant waiting times, further more I'd like three player to be an actual possibility and not the experience in futility it is now.