Medal Masters - Mobile RPG/Collection


Molten Core Raider
Its been disappoint up to this point as far as info, i can't find shit on the web. I've been experimenting and also check comps/cards on the ass hole beta players (wtf would they allow them on the server with out a reset is beyond me).

General suggestions
1) % Attack on basically everyone in attack slot, nothing else really can compete. Put a second one in the extra slot for long range guys who don't take much damage to just chunk away at the enemy
2) % defense by far the best yellow slot, % health isn't a bad subsitue. Double up on +%def for your tanks in most cases and even lancers isn't a bad idea
3) % initial cool down for blue usually at least on one character (best cc and lower damage char) to try and get the first round of CC off before your enemy, alot of times you can get a kill off and they can't even use a skill. I personally run a 2nd initial cool down on the character just to get it out as early as possible but I can't say the true effectiveness of that. People to do it are Venus forsure (charm OP), maybe Napolean (just 1 is enough)
4) Arena Master (think that was the name?) - % power increase for arena and pillage, this should pretty much go on everyone who doesn't have the initial cooldown blue. Huge boost; the only arguement can be made for 1 person to run with some sort of mana reduction/regen/% mana increase item depending on your team make up as after you initial wave of skills you can get in trouble against resilent teams

Follow the above items and you should be doing fairly well on card utilization. Only exception is if you get a purple card, those are insane and should be used in almost all cases for your extra card. I haven't got one but seen plenty of folks with them (alot of beta's anyway).

Also be warned, arena cost isnt an issue but for pillaging you can only bring 2 6 stars 1 5 star 1 4 star at max level so make sure you keep a solid 4 & 5 star un-evolved. I was a moron and didn't notice this and evolved my Venus to 5 star and now i'm fucked with my team make up for pillage. Venus is a great one to keep at 4 star mainly because she is low damage but her charm skill is low cool down and amazing so you get the most out of her 4 star as anyone.

Lastkly as i mentioned before, take the time to raise skills, they make a huge difference (Joanna invuln goes from 4 sec to like 12 secs which is insane). Also watch what maps have 1/2 stam, if its a fight that has a card of one of your main people just spam that for the day. Most have semi decent drop rates and 5-6 extra levels of skill will make a noticable difference for you.


Bronze Squire
I been grinding out levels so I can make legit teams so all this information is helpful I will tell you this though Turbo that damn red dude that I believe you have maxed with the giant sword....I can't begin to express the excitement I get when you pop up as a helper and have that fucker up, it just wrecks any and all.


Molten Core Raider
Haha, Minevra (sp). I have her leadership skill maxed (40% attack and hp, best in game by a decent margin). Her damage reduction is solid but i need to farm pieces to level the skill up, it can get up to 66% damage reduction for 5 seconds which is awesome. Plus i have pretty solid cards on her so she just swings. 12336 power haha, 6200+ defense. She is about to get her 6th awaking star and be full power in a few hours.

Just finished off napaloen max awaking on 6th star, mixed feelings on him. Venus i gave a +4 skill book and her charm is up to like 7+ seconds, so hot.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I wish I could get another +skill book. First one I got was like +6 and put it on Robin. Didn't get my Venus until a bit later. But on Robin it isn't bad, I really like that unit. He has huge up time on his skill and the AE stun just melts groups. As a sub he's great.

Dropped 30 gems on a card pack, total shit pulls. Big surprise.


Molten Core Raider
I've opened a decent amount of cards and haven't got 1 fucking purple card, pretty annoying. I'm sitting on 5M gold and use that as my lower limit so any time i have more cash then 5M i drop some on the gold purchased cards. I'm banking my arena points hoping at some point in the future they change arena market and put something OP in there and i'll have points to go wild (think i have 1300 at the moment).

If i can get a 4 or 5 star skill book again i might throw it on Arthur since skill drops his cooldown pretty low. Low cool down 50% of existing HP reduction is solid, i'd have to give up my initial cool down but might be better for the extended fights.


what Suineg set it to
I feel like I'm not getting anywhere with heroes. I have a couple OK ones but overall my rosters are behind people at much lower level in power rating. I could swap in 3-4 star dumb chars (the random dudes) but that's not really going to net me anything.

I've done 4 10 pulls so far and have managed to get basically Tristan and that's it among the 'good' ones I usually see tossed around.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I feel the same but think things are slowly coming together. Since I got Eriel up to 42% increase through guild barracks I can manage pretty well in pillage and arena just with a regular blue lancer and green warrior chick. Toss in my Robin who is about to be 5* and it mostly goes smooth. Just the Eriel thing took my team power from like 9k to 15k+ and made a huge difference. Turbo's tips about option cards really helped too. So, I'm not running anything crazy, but good team comp and itemizing has helped.


Molten Core Raider
Its good to take one of the generic characters that you get a decent amount of pieces/dissamble dupes and level them to. Don't under value what raising some ones skill can provide, an extra 30-40% damage on an ability can make a difference especially low cd characters.

Also a tip for guid quests, if its "do X amount with guild hero etc" just go find a 1/2 stam and mass spam, this also nets you alot of character pieces for skill up if it falls right.


what Suineg set it to
Oh also, I keep buying these material chests from the black market. No clue what they do or add? I assume they add random upgrade pieces but I have no clue.


word of warning: you can definitely out-level the pillage matchup scheme. I am at level 47, but I have only one 5 star unit. Everything I'm matched up against is like 5 stars+ with at least 3 awakens. Basically I can't win soulstones, and that prevents me from awakening and evolving. might make the game unplayable.


word of warning: you can definitely out-level the pillage matchup scheme. I am at level 47, but I have only one 5 star unit. Everything I'm matched up against is like 5 stars+ with at least 3 awakens. Basically I can't win soulstones, and that prevents me from awakening and evolving. might make the game unplayable.
Running into the same issue myself a bit. I'm around 46 and most of the teams I get matched against are 4-5k more power then I have. Another issue that is really pissing me off is that when I get a mail about being plundered, I want to revenge some of them but of course it won't let me. Always says the person is either online or being protected.


Running into the same issue myself a bit. I'm around 46 and most of the teams I get matched against are 4-5k more power then I have. Another issue that is really pissing me off is that when I get a mail about being plundered, I want to revenge some of them but of course it won't let me. Always says the person is either online or being protected.
I've never been able to complete a revenge, new or old. Just kinda gave up.


I got 2 option cards and hoping someone can help me understand their mechanics.

1) Blue - Combat Manual lv.3 - Says "Increases skill level by 3" - If I equip that, it would raise a hero's 2 skills each by 3 levels?

2) Purple - Dark Knight Iron Helmet lv.20 - "Increases damage taken by 0.5% per level of the hero" - Increases damage taken? Just poorly worded? Should say damage given? And .5% of level doesn't work out too much, really. Level 80 would = 40% damage, but I see red weapon master cards with almost 40% on them. Just wondering if I don't totally understand this card. First purple I've seen, thought it would be something.... more I guess.


Molten Core Raider
1) - I think it only applies to basic skill not leadership but yes it basically adds a +_ amount lvl to the ability as if you had raised it so potentially very impactful on gods like venus who it extends her CC time.

2) I think bad wording and fuck you! I haven't got one damn purple this whole time and even dropped some money pulling the packs. Definitely a good card


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I need gold help bad.
If I could win an arena match would probably drop it on a key to use the gold dungeon. Even infinite dungeon can't keep up with the gold spend.


Molten Core Raider
Do you do the gold rush that is up 1/2 times a day? I think 2 AM MST and i can't remember the other time. Pretty big influx of coin, other times its an exp one (these don't require keys) and the exp is pure insane, you get full level ups at lower lvls each run.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
No, I've never seen an actual schedule for it and feel like I'm playing constantly and have never seen it pop up. If it is 2am MST that is 3am my time and that's hard to do except on weekends.


Molten Core Raider
The loading screen displays it once and awhile (the little tip section) but it happens so fast you just need to watch the bottom of it to read. I want to say its in the morning or 8 PM....memory evades me.