Memento Remake


Silver Baronet of the Realm
This one is fucking hilarious, can't believe its real
Memento Remake in Development at AMBI Pictures

It?s ironic that Memento, a movie about a man whose retrograde amnesia has him continually making the same mistakes over and over again, is getting a remake, but that is exactly what is happening. The 2000 film that launched Christopher Nolan (Inception, Interstellar, The Dark Knight Trilogy) onto the world cinematic stage will be redone under producers Andrea Iervolino and Monika Bacardi of AMBI Pictures, which recently acquired the 400-title Exclusive Media Group library, which also included Cruel Intentions, Donnie Darko, The Mexican, Rush and Sliding Doors.

?Memento is a masterpiece that leaves audiences guessing not just throughout the film, but long after as well, which is a testament to its daring approach,? Bacardi stated. ?We intend to stay true to Christopher Nolan?s vision and deliver a memorable movie that is every bit as edgy, iconic and award-worthy as the original. It?s a big responsibility to deliver something that lives up to the mastery of the original, but we are extremely excited and motivated to bring this puzzle back to life and back into the minds of moviegoers.?

??Memento? has been consistently ranked as one of the best films of its decade,? Iervolino added. ?People who?ve seen ?Memento? 10 times still feel they need to see it one more time. This is a quality we feel really supports and justifies a remake. The bar is set high thanks to the brilliance or Christopher Nolan, but we wouldn?t want it any other way. Our acquisition of the EMG library reinforced our commitment to build a strong global studio with a strong pipeline of commercial films that can play to a worldwide audience. Bringing a new ?Memento? to audiences is an initial example of how we intend to execute this strategy.?

Written and directed by Nolan from a short story by his brother/frequent collaborator Jonathan Nolan (The Prestige, The Dark Knight Rises, Interstellar), Memento followed an amnesiac named Leonard (Guy Pierce) who uses clues he has tattooed onto his body in order to seek out the man who killed his wife. Due to his mental condition, he has to frequently put the pieces of his memory back together from these fragments. Co-starring Carrie-Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano, the film was lauded for its nonlinear narrative structure and motifs of memory, perception, grief, and self-deception.

The $9 million dollar film grossed an impressive $40 million worldwide and was nominated for Best Editing and Best Original Screenplay Oscars, ultimately paving the way for Nolan?s runaway success in Hollywood and cementing Pierce as a formidable screen presence. This will not be the first Memento remake, as not one but two Indian-language re-dos were produced in 2005 and 2008, both under the title Ghajini.


The thing that is a bit sad is that it's probably more profitable to shoot a remake that has 99.9% chances of being inferior to the original and release it than it is to rerelease the original movie in a crisp digital remaster.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Why? It is perfect already, and it's not a story that can be retold.


Vyemm Raider
Remake of Pulp Fiction. You know it's only a matter of time.

Since we're just throwing hollywood free ideas, remakes of:
Fight Club
Schindler's List
Forest Gump
The Usual Suspects
And of course - The Departed. Because the third time's a charm.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Aliens remake, where the facehuggers are now ballsqueezers and require a male for their DNA.


The Big Mod
one of the most overrated movies of all time. also, knowing the ending going into it makes this retarded.


El Presidente
one of the most overrated movies of all time. also, knowing the ending going into it makes this retarded.
I've always liked this movie, but never really understood the hype from the people that call it an all time classic or something. You're right in that the movie would lose a lot if you know the ending up front.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I love the movie. I remember never hearing about it and my buddy and I were just bullshitting before going to the bars that night. Saw it on cable and just turned it on. He and I were so enthralled with the movie we were at his place until around midnight watching it then spent the hours until last call arguing about what just happened.