I was young enough that ballchinian was hilariousWe give a fuck about this after MiB2, why?
Carry on, I look forward to the autistic defenses on how this was top tier filmmaking, and we don't understand the subtle awesomeness of the series.
MiB was awesome once, the first film. After that it was no longer original and interesting at all, and was no more than attracting summer audiences based on names only.
The first was a quirky amusing comedy, that played on nerd feels. Faggots, all of you.
Wait this isn't 3??Looks like shit.
3 was also bad
Also, Tessa Thompson's face pisses me off, for no reason that I can explain. Like perhaps I have social justice PTSD and I reflexively assume "Black Lives Matter" or "Women actors are underpaid and underappreciated" is going to come out of her pie hole at any second. I appear to be part of the problem.
counterpoint: she has really nice tits and she's bisexual
counterpoint: she has really nice tits and she's bisexual
never understood why so many guys here are so mad at women who say stupid shit. i didn't get mad at my kids when they said stupid shit, they are stupid kids. most hot women (and hot guys) are also extremely stupid and say stupid shit all the time, who cares what they say. Its the ugly women you gotta worry about.
Linda Fiorintino demanded she be cast as the star in the next MIB. Memba her?
Good lord that's depressing.Pepperidge Farm sure does
counterpoint: she has really nice tits and she's bisexual
never understood why so many guys here are so mad at women who say stupid shit. i didn't get mad at my kids when they said stupid shit, they are stupid kids. most hot women (and hot guys) are also extremely stupid and say stupid shit all the time, who cares what they say. Its the ugly women you gotta worry about.
Looks like shit.
3 was also bad
Ok, movie just ended. I gotta say, it was pretty damn entertaining. It wasn't very funny, but it was an enjoyable movie. Definitely a great shut your brain off popcorn flick. I'm glad I went.I won a free ticket to go see this, so I'm there right now. I'll give a non spoiler report after it's over.
Every guy on the FoH has bigger tits than tessa. NSFW https://www.celebjihad.com/celeb-jihad/images/tessa_thompson_nude_westworld.jpgcounterpoint: she has really nice tits and she's bisexual
never understood why so many guys here are so mad at women who say stupid shit.