Metal Gear Solid V


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
As much as I enjoyed the game, I wish I hadn't finished it.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't regret finishing it so much as I regret not reading a 'spoiler' telling me use the butterfly as my emblem. Ended up downloading a ~6 hour old savegame from PS+ to correct that error, because there's no way in hell I was going to try to 100% the game otherwise.

Actual spoiler on what it does:

Using the butterfly emblem prevents Quiet from leaving. Just change it when you have done everything else and want to finish her story.

That said, her ending is one of the few things in the game with actual closure, so playing through it and then reverting your save isn't a terrible thing. It was the other 4-5 hours of shit that I did that day I was annoyed about losing.

Don't read that if you haven't beaten the game, just use the butterfly emblem and don't worry about the reason for it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I felt strongly enough about it that I uninstalled with missions left to finish and no desire to 100% the game, in spite of my completionist proclivities. Can't really put my finger on what it is that's so distressing... I just generally expected something more. But as many have pointed out, the game wasn't finished before it was pushed out the door. Oh well.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm having a lot of fun finishing up the last 30 or so side ops with the infinite bandanna and the always suppressed tranq gun, decoy mines and boxes. So damn entertaining knocking people out throwing out a bunch of decoy boxes and mines and listening to the chatter a couple minutes later while rescuing a person. On another note with the main story done I went back and watched all the cinematic trailers they released over the past few E3s/GDCs and I was shocked at how much was revealed in them and how much the lyrics from Garbage's "Not Your Kind of People" featured in one of the trailers matched the narrative of the game. Speaking of music I was shocked the main theme of the previous games wasn't used at all, unless I missed a tape.


FPS noob
metal gear online launches tomorrow on consoles, not until jan on PC. No idea what kinda sub-game it is or if its fun or if it will have server issues, guess we'll find out tomorrow


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's out! Played for about an hour this morning. Haven't yet experienced any issues, except I couldn't figure out how to actually leave the Online portion and return to the single player without forcing the game closed and reopening it. The usual system menu that appears when you click the left touch pad just opens a Party window, and I saw no other option to "Leave" MGO so I could get back to cleaning up Cipher in the real world.

Seems pretty fun but I'm definitely not the guy for console FPS. I've enjoyed the single player and put in like 50 hours or something, but my FPS ability peaked with Goldeneye, never owned one since, and about 80% of my deaths end with me yelling "GAH" and slapping my legs, because thumbs are just not the way to point a gun.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's out! Played for about an hour this morning. Haven't yet experienced any issues, except I couldn't figure out how to actually leave the Online portion and return to the single player without forcing the game closed and reopening it. The usual system menu that appears when you click the left touch pad just opens a Party window, and I saw no other option to "Leave" MGO so I could get back to cleaning up Cipher in the real world.

Seems pretty fun but I'm definitely not the guy for console FPS. I've enjoyed the single player and put in like 50 hours or something, but my FPS ability peaked with Goldeneye, never owned one since, and about 80% of my deaths end with me yelling "GAH" and slapping my legs, because thumbs are just not the way to point a gun.
I kind of feel the same way but if you put enough time into it like anything else you will get better if you want to.

I absolutely raped in Modern Warfare and WaW, bt was awful at Black Ops and MW2. Battlefield too. Im not sure about the multiplayer in this game but the multiplayer in 4 was lol. Im enjoying the single player so far the Afghan setting 80's style is pretty fucking awesome.


Ended up having my nights open up and finally got around to playing this on PC. First Metal Gear Solid game I've played, ever, and maybe 3 missions into the second act and I have to say that so far this game makes me weep for what ME3 could have been. Only have two complaints so far. 1. Some of the cut scenes just seem out of place with respect to character development/story.
Best example. Quiet's interrogation after you find out she has the parasite. Girl's been carving a hole for Snake to crawl through time and again and burning her self alive to help out the kids then you turn around and use electroshock torture? WTF?
2.FOB/PF wars. It's supposed to be risk vs reward, but comes off as a part of the game that was meant for more but ended up just being a e-peen competition over who plays hide and seek better.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Definitely agree about that cutscene. Only way it makes the slightest amount of sense is if it was originally supposed to be shown much earlier (with different dialogue obviously).

The FOB shit just keeps getting worse. Latest patch actually penalizes you for playing the game offline unless you play it 100% offline. Go online once to get your FOB or daily to get your rewards and the game takes a chunk of everything you own and sets it to online-only. I still have never been invaded even once, so I stopped bothering to hide offline long ago, but I think Konami are assholes for taking the approach they did to try to force people into accepting MP faggotry in their SP game.

Oh well, I'm as done with the game as I'm going to get anyway, and I doubt that there's going to be any story DLC or anything else important, just cosmetic cash-grab shit.


Never used the guns that stun for anything other than animals (bears) or the annoying "missing soldier" side ops that take a crazy amount of normal tranq shots before they go down.
Don't know if someone else already mentioned it, but there's a special trick you can do with the Missing Soldier Side ops.

If you equip the card box and sneak near a Missing Soldier, he will walk up to you and recognize you're actually Big Boss. Just wait until he salutes you and you can easily choke them out for extraction.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Don't know if someone else already mentioned it, but there's a special trick you can do with the Missing Soldier Side ops.

If you equip the card box and sneak near a Missing Soldier, he will walk up to you and recognize you're actually Big Boss. Just wait until he salutes you and you can easily choke them out for extraction.
The tranq sniper rifle headshot is also effective, although if it's unsilenced and you don't nail it on the first shot he'll throw a sleep grenade at you and generally piss you off.


The tranq sniper rifle headshot is also effective, although if it's unsilenced and you don't nail it on the first shot he'll throw a sleep grenade at you and generally piss you off.
After having that happened once I decided to play catch with them and started tossing my own stun grenades.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sometimes I'd send her to a sniping spot with Cover Me on and she'd knock them out before I even saw them. Other times I had to zoom in on them and specifically tell her to fire. Always worked in the end though.


FPS noob
finally got around to playing this a bit more this weekend, since I've finished up a bunch of other games laying around. I really, really, really enjoyed missions 1-21, it was great stealthing around and seeing all kinds of fun emergent AI from NPCs, animals, etc. After that though the story really got super weird and I still can't explain whats going on. I should say I only finished mission 31 ("chapter 1" of the game) but I don't know if I am going to really do 32-50, since they are basically just hard mode repeats of previous missions. Although the chapter 2 "preview" scene is pretty damn awesome, its really too bad Kojima wasn't able to finish the game "properly".

Its really the only MGS I have played so I kinda get the kojima love, but man the dude is weird as fuck and the game sometimes feels like I am playing an 11 year olds fevered dream


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You should play mgs 2 and 3 especially 3.

This games sole failing was konami cutting kojima off early.

It has the best mechanics of any mgs game