Mikhail and Hodj's Political Thread

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Why report news when you can just make it up?

Actually, on the issue of the Benghazi scandal, where four Americans were killed when in what may have been a politically motivated series of moves, a surging danger to Americans at the foreign service facility there was ignored until al-Qaida-linked terrorists attacked, 50.1 percent of Americans said Obama should be impeached. That included 27.6 percent of the responding Democrats.
Apparently Wenzel Strategies is just some shill for WND. Same sort of firm that was coming up with numbers saying the 2012 race was neck and neck.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
What's really funny about this is that if you listen to that speech, it would basically be a blow-job for conservatives if it were coming out of the mouth of a republican.
So hard to be a conservative right now. To agree with Obama or to insist that blacks still have excuses

A senior Israeli politician provoked controversy today when he warned that Palestinians firing rockets from Gaza would be punished with a "bigger holocaust" from Israeli armed forces.
The use of the Hebrew word for holocaust, "shoah", tends to be used exclusively in Israel to describe the Nazi persecution of Jews.

Palestinian activists routinely claim to be suffering a "shoah" at the hands of Israel, but the Jewish state normally denies any moral equivalence between the suffering of Palestinians today and European jewry under the Nazis.

Matan Vilnai, deputy defence minister, broke that taboo when he used the term "shoah" during interview on Army Radio.


Lord Nagafen Raider
this is cool we can make this thread more better now because it's in the RR and boobs are allowed

Per the water situation, parts of Texas are already experiencing that. Just got out of San Angelo at the end of last year. At the time there was 11 months of potable water left for the public to consume, and the plan to pump in water from the Hickory aquifer were 1 year out from a suitable filtration system to remove the insane amounts of radium in the water. Their plan was to mix the new source water with what little water they have left (which was already heavily polluted and taking showers smelled like you were at the pool the chlorine was so concentrated) to stretch it out. It's a pretty scary mess and my roommate currently has ALL which his doctors say came from a life of drinking the polluted water in the region.
Oklahoma's aquifer has never stopped going down since they started measuring it. IIRC in less than 50 years, the whole state will be without water.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
^ yeah that's some bullshit. I can see being forced to pay the guy until after the trial, but the treatment of the victims and families is pretty terrible.

Also, finally found a den of wackos even further off the reservation than Free Republic. Clearly Obama caused this tornado using a weather-control device because things were getting a little too hot and heavy with Benghazi, AP, and IRS:

OK Tornado cause by HAARP to distract the public from white house scandals? Possible PROOF?
So things get too hot for our president, MSM is closing in and then suddenly a TWO MILE WIDE TORNADO wipes a town in Oklahoma off the map?
But why would MSM be "closing in" on Obama? Hasnt GLP and InfoWars been telling us for years that they are in cahoots together?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
God like productions' they are the more "spiritual" version of infowars
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