Ate pretty good on deployment myself. The Army that handled logistics for the small camp I was on supplied us with bulk food stuffs. Entire cases of steaks, chicken breasts, bread, soda, ripits, vegetables, cooking oil etc. Managed to start getting ice cream towards the end of the deployment. We had a hot plate and a grill so we could make whatever we wanted whenever. Even was able to snag a few entire 20 pound rib roasts a few times. Every so often we would end up eating at some locals place, food was okay nothing spectacular.
The fobs with KBR/Haliburton contracting where pretty damn good. FOB Sykes in northern Iraq was particularly good as it was all contractor ran and very well stocked but there wasnt many people on the base. Benefits of being in Kurdish region I guess.
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I remember one guy would always ratfuck the cereal boxes I would bring in as soon as I sat them down. Fucking jimmy rustling to the max.