I wash my hands at work or in public because that's what I was taught to do, because it is the polite thing to do, and because I know other people are judging me if I don't. But at home it just depends on if I feel like it, or if they were already dirty, or if I took a shit, etc. And if you've ever touched someone else's phone, keyboard, mouse, etc. at work, or a handrail, door lever...start thinking about what is probably on those.
Honestly, all of this extra precaution over washing your hands at every little thing, and particularly using fucking hand sanitizer, I'm convinced that it has directly attributed to all the the fucking allergies kids have nowadays. Our bodies were literally evolved to handle dirt and microbes and shit (even literal shit), but civilization has started eroding those resistances over time. I'm not saying we should sprinkle dirt on our food to stay healthy, or that we shouldn't ever wash our hands, but the LACK of exposure many kids and adults get now can't be helping their immune systems any. You kill all the little, fairly harmless bacteria with hand sanitizer, how is your body supposed to be ready for stronger stuff that you're going to get exposed to at some point no matter how careful you are? Unless you wear a breathing mask everywhere and live in a fucking bubble, someone at some point is going to sneeze near you, and now your 98-lb weakling white blood cells don't stand a chance because they didn't buff up on dirt and pee splatter microbes first.