

Molten Core Raider
Ya, I have been strip mining like a mofo with the new hammer and shovel.Tree farms are nice but they are laggy as fuck when running full bore. I had a 26x26 one on my roof in Tekkit and man was is loud!
Yeah and this one keeps bugging out and crashing my world. Took me over 2 hours to get it set up and convert all the land above to dirt from hardened sand so it pisses me off. Looks like I scrap it and just do the wheat farms for my bio generation.

I do want to take a few mins and explain a little more about this setup though so those of you who don't know about what I am doing understand better. I made a video which I will be linking here after I post it on youtube.


Yeah and this one keeps bugging out and crashing my world. Took me over 2 hours to get it set up and convert all the land above to dirt from hardened sand so it pisses me off. Looks like I scrap it and just do the wheat farms for my bio generation.

I do want to take a few mins and explain a little more about this setup though so those of you who don't know about what I am doing understand better. I made a video which I will be linking here after I post it on youtube.
Time to break out the Filler man. I fell in love with this thing the first time I used it to dig out the basement of my base in my tekkit world.



Molten Core Raider
damn that is awesome! BTW does anyone know of a decent free video converter program? The free one I am using will only do the first 3 mins of a video.


Thermal Expansion really is good. One thing a lot of people miss is how compact you can make everything. This is what I have for my automated material intake...


Ignore the wooden chests and DSU's on the right, I'm just going to talk about the machines on the left.

I'll start with the middle machine which is the Pulveriser. You can just see the cobble piping behind the hopper feeding into it, that's the feed from my quarry intake through an item tesseract. Using that piping and diamond pipe filters I feed all the pulverisable ore into the iron chest. The hopper (in vanilla from 1.5 I think?) autodrags stuff down from the chest and puts it into the pulveriser. That crunches the ore and feeds it into the right hand machine without any need for further piping. The right hand machine is the Powered Furnace which dumps the ensuing ingots into the gold chest on its right. All easily setup within the TE interface and as compact as it gets.

The machine on the left is another powered furnace, that's for Nether Ores which is another mod by PowerCrystals who also does the awesome MFR mod. That simply adds ores to the Nether but in a different form to the normal world ore. You have to run them through a furnace first to "cook off" the outer layer which leaves you with a piece of normal ore. By putting it to the left of the pulveriser we can throw those ores into the wooden chest and they are autodragged into the furnace, pulveriser, furnace sequence and we get our lovely ingots at the end. If you don't use the Nether Ore mod then the middle and right machine and associated hopper/chests is all you need.

For what it's worth, here's the backside view


The item tesseract on the right sends out the mats from the quarry (which isn't that far away actually, it's on the left edge of what you can see on the minimap) and I only left the long lead-in to the first ore filter so I could see what was coming up for a start so I could check I hadn't burgered up my filters. The second filter (on the left) has Redstone, AE Quartz rock and dust, lapis and diamond to send to the same ingot chest the automated ore system feeds into. Everything else carries on to the dirt and cobble DSU's and at some point I'll probably add a sand and gravel DSU pair.

The next project is to play around with MFR a lot more and get some automated farming going on. Or possibly set a lava pump going inthe Nether to fill a railtank so I have a huge cushion before I work out how to do an MFR automated biofuel power system. Or get an AE network running. Or get started on Galacticraft as my son really wants to visit the moon in that. Sheeeeeeeeeeit, so much to do! /Clay


<Gold Donor>
ME networks are -awesome-. The positive and the negative side effect are exactly the same - there is little need for a real detailed sorting system. That said, i much prefer not needing to setup rooms full of chests. The only thing to say about ME systems is that they require boatloads of quartz once you're ready to expand from a simple 3 chest setup (which will admittedly take you a long way). Don't be afraid of how crazy easy ME Assemblers make things, the investment required to set one up is well balanced vs the reduction of subcombines for future projects. I assume you already make good use of project tables.

I really really like the ability of Thermal Expansion machines to have configurable in/out sides. You can make so many compact and logically sound setups using those features. I end up using traditional IC2 Macerator/Induction furnace setups however simply due to their speed. TE machines are just so slow and unable to be sped up to cope with multiple quarries. My only real wish is that pneumatic tubing would interface with more machines since i vastly prefer painting tubes to diamond pipes.


I *think* ways to speed up TE machines are coming in the future or possibly another tier on top of the current one.

RedPower is effectively dead despite the single tweet from Eloraam a few weeks ago claiming she's not. Unless a new version popped up with a completely rewritten codebase a lot of people wouldn't use it even if it had been updated to the latest MC version due to some of it's Notch style terrible coding, one example being everytime one of those rotating timers "ticks" it does a chunk reload... It was great in it's heyday but has been left behind now. Pneumatic tubes are the main thing I miss though, like you said they were nice.

The pack I'm using atm doesn't have IC2 installed and I'm not really missing it. Just using BC/TE power is very nice, not having to fart around converting between types and I have to admit, shit blowing up gets old after a while. The number of things I blew up when I first started using that mod back in the 1.2.5 days etc


Molten Core Raider
She keeps saying she is going to update IC2 but for most people I have talked to about it they don't believe she will ever bring it in line with the current mods because she hates to code so much but we'll see. Dire has it in his pack so I doubt it will ever totally disappear as long as he is still using it but we'll see. I think Soaryn is writing his mod to take the place of IC2... don't quote me on that just a feeling I have.


Dire has it in his pack so I doubt it will ever totally disappear as long as he is still using it but we'll see. I think Soaryn is writing his mod to take the place of IC2... don't quote me on that just a feeling I have.
It's gone from his new 1.5.2 packList Of Mods Direwolf20 pack

As for replacements, MFR has replaced the redstone network stuff already which was what most people still used it for. As discussed earlier pneumatic tubing hasn't been replaced yet but with the popularity of AE networking now it won't be missed too much. Immibis has microblocks which replaces another part of it.

As for diamond drills, I believe the mod of choice for that sort of thing nowadays is Tinkers Construct which allows you to make expensive souped up tools and weaponry. E.g.
Natural Ability: Area of Effect. The Hammer mines a 3x3 grid of blocks instead of a single block at a time. It works on the same Stone and Ores that Pickaxe's do. Once the mining animation is completed on the source block the 8 surrounding blocks are also gathered. This patten can be horizontal or vertical, depending on the side of the block that is harvested and the other blocks around it. This will only mine blocks that the Tool's Mining Level will allow, and even then some blocks will not pop off.

Natural Ability: Smite. The hammer does extra damage to Undead mobs (Zombies, Zombie Pigmen, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons).

Durability: High


It's gone from his new 1.5.2 packList Of Mods Direwolf20 pack

As for replacements, MFR has replaced the redstone network stuff already which was what most people still used it for. As discussed earlier pneumatic tubing hasn't been replaced yet but with the popularity of AE networking now it won't be missed too much. Immibis has microblocks which replaces another part of it.

As for diamond drills, I believe the mod of choice for that sort of thing nowadays is Tinkers Construct which allows you to make expensive souped up tools and weaponry. E.g.
You can make a decent hammer for pretty cheap. I made one last night that has a steel head (Steel is 1 iron with 4 coal), obsidian rod and a steel fitting. This Hammer and the new shovel are amazingly good and the durability with the steel head and obsidian handle was pretty damn good and can mine anything up to Cobalt. I was strip mining like crazy last night with these new tools. Just need to make sure you stand back when you are mining as opening up 3x3x3 hole with lava above you is bad!

The hard part about making these tools early game is that you now need a smeltery to make the various metal items.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Awe yeah - he's going to use voxelmap instead of rei. I approve.


Just got to thinking again and no I did mean IC2. lol

Mod number 32 of your own link... Industrial Craft 2
The way you worded it you were talking about RP
IC2 doesn't have a female dev that I am aware of so your whole conversation sounded like you were talking about RP even though you said IC2 at the start?!

I see you are crazy enough to not only use the Forestry mod but actually do the bee keeping shit. I've been taught not to argue with lunatics in case they pull weapons out


Molten Core Raider
The way you worded it you were talking about RP
IC2 doesn't have a female dev that I am aware of so your whole conversation sounded like you were talking about RP even though you said IC2 at the start?!

I see you are crazy enough to not only use the Forestry mod but actually do the bee keeping shit. I've been taught not to argue with lunatics in case they pull weapons out
LOL yeah I was thinking of Eloraam while I was talking about IC2 but the developer is guy named Alblaka, iirc, and not a chick. *shakes head* Apparently I am crazy. But either way IC2 is dead and is just in it's final death throes unless someone gets a hold of it and actually progresses the mod not just updates it for new versions of MC.


Here's another nice little compact layout that uses just the BC and TE mods. I didn't come up with the design myself, saw it pictured elsewhere but it's much tidier than the jumble of crap I had come up with last time I played MC. This is a pic from my small operation in the Nether. Fairly close by is a Nether Fortress which is great, I've never found one of those before. Will be back with safari nets to capture a Blaze sometime!


That's a Magmatic Engine powering a Pump pulling lava out of the Nether and through the Liquid Tesseract at the top back into the main world.

The liquiducts on the right feed back into the magmatic engine before being sent through the tesseract, the two redstone conduits instead of one are needed so you can direct the energy flow. Once you put a single bucket of lava into the magmatic engine it will go pretty much forever unless you were very unlucky on the size of your nether lava lake.

Tekkit doesn't have Railcraft so I have no way of building the usual big tanks, I'm using a forest of the traditional BC tanks but magmatic is so efficient anyway I only need to turn on the nether pump for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours of 5 engines running to refill my tanks again. Once I get the biofuel system going this will be obsolete.


I'm Amod too!
Let's see who can guess what's special about this picture, courtesy of ChickenBones


He's currently working on his own version of Microblocks as well as giving several different blocks the capability to exist in the same space together.


Tekkit doesn't have Railcraft so I have no way of building the usual big tanks, I'm using a forest of the traditional BC tanks but magmatic is so efficient anyway I only need to turn on the nether pump for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours of 5 engines running to refill my tanks again. Once I get the biofuel system going this will be obsolete.
Just add railcraft to your tekkit build. That's what I ended up doing.