I thinkok, I'm ready to pull the trigger on whatever I need for a airbrush setup.
Is there a previous post that's recent enough for me to go off of when buying shit, or am I going to have to strongarm someone?

I thinkok, I'm ready to pull the trigger on whatever I need for a airbrush setup.
Is there a previous post that's recent enough for me to go off of when buying shit, or am I going to have to strongarm someone?
Iwata-Medea Eclipse HP CS Dual Action Airbrush Gun / Gravity Feed Amazon.com: Iwata-Medea Eclipse HP CS Dual Action Airbrush Gun / Gravity Feedok, I'm ready to pull the trigger on whatever I need for a airbrush setup.
Is there a previous post that's recent enough for me to go off of when buying shit, or am I going to have to strongarm someone?
Just finished up my tank for the Horus Heresy models I'm doing. I think I used my Badger for all the airbrush stuff. Prime, basecoat, zenithal, varnishing. Actually I think I used the Iwata for the zenithal but that was optional. Badger could have done it.
No qualifiers, I'm proud of how it came out.
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So, tech was better during the heresy? That raider has way more firepower than a 40k version.
So, tech was better during the heresy? That raider has way more firepower than a 40k version.
It was.
For a long time this was one of the basic underpinnings of 40k. And I think that's one of the things that I loved about it. Humanity was reduced to mimicking ancient technologies without understanding. There was a cultish, religious flavor to technology. Humanity was not the most technologically advanced, by a long shot. Most of humanity had regressed. This or that human system might fall back to industrial or even pre-industrial life, without either a lifeline to the larger Imperium, or without something like a STC library to 'tell' them how to make things.
Along with the regression were the views concerning technology. Innovation outside of the Mechanicum (and often, even within it) was forbidden, and only 'approved' pieces of technology were smiled upon with literally everything else being looked at as heretical.
And the technology during the Heresy wasn't the pinnacle of human technological advancement either. There was like 5 or 6 millennia during the Age of Strife where things got bad, before the Great Crusade and the HH afterwards. So tech had already fallen pretty far...it just got worse afterwards.
The Emperor was turning things around, but noooooo...
One of my big gripes about humanity's technology, as a long time Chaos player, was that in the Imperium the technology had regressed and a lot of things were simply lost. Or if individual pieces of technology still survived, they were treated as literal Holy Relics. But the forces of Chaos existed in their own strange flow of time. The forces of Chaos could have, conceivably, retreated to the Eye of Terror with technology from the HH, only to spend what they might think of as a few centuries within the Eye of Terror before spilling back out into Realspace. I always thought it likely that they'd have their own Hereteks or corrupted Techmarines spread across all of their forces, rather than the complete shit writing that seemingly put them all within the trope/theme of the Iron Warriors.
But instead, somehow, the brain trust at GW decided that instead of ancient heretical technology, that Chaos was going to be distilled down to daemonic orgies and daemons posessing literally EVERYTHING, and then along comes Belisarius Cawl and suddenly...the script gets flipped and we're supposed to believe that there's Primaris marines and Redemptors and a bunch of other tech-fuckery that the writers just wrote into the lore so they could sell more models.
My assumption has always been that the writing (quality and quantity) is based around which faction sells the most minis. Thus, Primaris marines were written into the lore to sell more space marine minis.
Thank you so much.Iwata-Medea Eclipse HP CS Dual Action Airbrush Gun / Gravity Feed Amazon.com: Iwata-Medea Eclipse HP CS Dual Action Airbrush Gun / Gravity Feed
Master Airbrush 1/5 HP Cool Runner II Dual Fan Air Compressor Kit Model TC-320 - Professional Single-Piston with 2 Cooling Fans, Longer Running Time Without Overheating - Regulator Water Trap, Holder https://a.co/d/du6zDpo
Yah my take on Airbrushes: Badger Patriot 105 is the best starter. I also love my Iwata HPCS. Both can do anything you'll need imo as a beginner. Even now these two are all I use and either could do what I did on my Tank or any minis.
Compressor, anything that looks like the AS-186 model. With a tank and a pressure regulator that can adjust the PSI.
Same exact set up as this article: [2022] Best Airbrushes for Miniature Painting – Beginner & Advanced – Tactile Hobby
Badger 105 and get the Adapterfor the hose.
Point Zero Compressor, or anything that looks like it. They are all 99% the same thing if they look like this.
Hose to connect them
Iwata HPCS if you go that route. Very nice, more $$. I still would go Badger but this is definitely a very nice brush, and very good quality. Again I use both.
Everything else is either Paint/ink, primers, thinners, flow improver, cleaning solution etc. Go Vallejo for everything except primer imo, I like Stynlrez or Pro Acryl much better.
Then quality of life stuff like a cleaning pot or cleaning tools.
Sounds like a lot but maybe $250? $300? for all the stuff and then paint/primers etc depends what you buy.
Badger Air-Brush Co. SNR-210 Stynylrez, 2 Fl Oz (Pack of 1), White, Gray, Black Amazon.com: Badger Air-Brush Co. SNR-210 Stynylrez, 2 Fl Oz (Pack of 1), White, Gray, Black
Inks you use just like paint in an airbrush, they’re just nice and thin already and fairly transparent. They’re really vibrant compared to paints.Thank you so much.
So forErronius and I…
You use Stynlrez primer and Vallejo everything.
how do you use inks? Same way as before and how often?
Yeah Stynylrez or Pro Acryl primer, and Vallejo flow improver, thinner and airbrush cleaner.
Inks yeah I mean depends on what you're aiming to do. They are super potent so in general thin layers go a long way. For the tank I primed it, base coat in red, sprayed white over that, then Vallejo Transparent Yellow which is essentially an ink. Allows for the white to pink/red gradient to show through.
Vince Venturella did a video on this just yesterday. His airbrush work is nearly exactly what I did:
niceWent looking for some free stuff to 3d print but there's slim pickings, the really good sculpts seem to cost 15 bucks for around 3-5 units.
Might buy a pack from someone later but right now I got plenty I still need to paint.
If someone got a good artist for space marines etc let me know.
Here's how they turned out.
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