What printer are you using? I've been thinking about trying to get one to print stuff like this and minis.Ground floor for a dragon heist encounter printed, models for the latest kickstarter just got released so I can start in the 2nd floor. Need to paint up all the crates boxes barrels and bags of scatter.
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I have a Prusa Mk3, probably overkill for terrain but does a good job for miniatures, for an FDM printer, would like a resin one for minis but dont want to spend the money or deal with the smell.What printer are you using? I've been thinking about trying to get one to print stuff like this and minis.
How're you just now getting these Vignette minis? I was reading on BGG that people were receiving them in August. Is this stuff from the very first KS, or something that just now got restocked on the website or what?
Also, are they part of whatever extra stuff comes with the remainder of my All-The-Things pledge from 1.5? (Pinups of Death 1, 2, whatever else, I dunno). Was having a hard time finding solid info on what exactly these are.
I picked it up at Gencon, I didn’t just receive them. I am just now getting them finished painting is all. They first sold it at Gencon, then a week later on their website. It was not part of the Kickstarter, it is newly developed content.
I talked to Adam about it at Gencon, he said what happened was his sculptors all got ahead of the game development so he needed something for them to do. They sculpted this giant Lion as just a new model to sell but people loved it so much they did some quick development on it to make it game content. It is a completely stand alone battle and due to that it was really easy for them to playtest. It comes with the monster and four survivors, and each survivor has a premade gear set, it’s on four cardboard printouts instead of separate gear cards. It’s designed so that you can just have a single battle with friends who don’t have the time or want to do a full campaign.
Once you beat it, you can add it to any campaign as an additional hunt option. It comes with a new settlement location with equipment recipes and gear cards. They have plans on adding more stand alone content like this in the future too, as it was fast development and fans have reacted positively to it.
Ok just using this thread to think out loud for a bit. Its time to paint this Hero Forge dude and I'd like him to be a step forward.
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I've done a zenithal prime on him and his girlfriend, which is the first time I've done that. So that's progress and trying something new:
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I know I want him to have a cool blue shield front. So Blue is gonna be my accent color
I'm thinking... Silver base armor, with Black trim. So he'll mostly be silver/black (inspired a bit byHateyou there with his latest stuff)
And then accented with a nice blue, likely that ultramarines blue I used on the marines. My sets are pretty limited still and I love that blue.
Dark brown hair, tanned skin tone, dark brown leather straps I guess? And that tabbard hanging off his waist... I dunno.
I just want to achieve that sort of dark/neutral tones with a blast of blue. So maybe a black base coat and drybrush on silver, then pure black trim?
If you do get into KDM, just be warned that one of its nicknames is Kingdom Dick-Monster. Basically every model outside the base game will have at least one perfectly sculpted dick somewhere on the model and most will have multiple.