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Wow, some serious mad skills in here. Props to you guys.
Hateyou , I didn't check FoH over the weekend, so I didn't see your recommendations in time. I ended up buying a starter miniature paint set:
Amazon product ASIN B01MTXRUUT
and brushes:
Amazon product ASIN B01M7UFLP5
I hope those are decent. They arrived yesterday! It did not come with primer though so I need to go buy some. Otherwise I hope to try and paint my first miniature by this weekend.
Thanks also for the link for the brush soap. It's like $10 for S&H....is that something you think I can find at a local hobby store?
Those brushes will be fine for starting out, once you get into it a bit you’ll be wanting to upgrade. I don’t think you’ll be able to find that soap at a store but maybe. The guy who runs the websites wife makes the soap, smaller operation. You could just get masters, it will work, but when you go to upgrade brushes, I’d go with their brush set and soap together.
Nice starter set on the paints, that will go a long way.
For primer, you can get stuff like krylon, and it will work, especially since you are starting on lower quality miniatures. If you want to spend an extra $5 (I would) I’d suggest just going with a can of colored primer from Army Painter on amazon or a local store. You can save a lot of time by getting something that has a skin tone or brown base, it’ll make skin easier, or wood/fur with the brown.
When you are priming just make sure you have a decent humidity (I forget the good %, something like 55? I’d need to look it up) and distance when spraying with a rattle can. If it’s too dry and you’re too far away you’ll end up putting a speckled texture on the miniature. If its too humid you can get things like running or too much paint and cover up some detail. If you’re scared of rattle can you can get some Vallejo brush on primer but don’t be scared. You can always strip miniatures with simple green and start over if you fuck them up.
Before you prime, scrub all your minis with dish soap and water and let them dry out. Plastic injection molding uses a release agent and primer and paint won’t stick to it. Also don’t touch your minis with bare fingers after they’ve been cleaned, and while painting. Your skin oils will make paint not stick, or rub paint of. So either wear latex gloves, or get sticky tack and stick them to bottle caps, corks, or an actual miniature holder (I use hobby holder and love it) and hold that while painting. You’ll also want a magnifying glass/light. I bought a cheap one from amazon and it works fine. Clamps onto my desk when I need it. There’s much nicer stuff out there if you want a more permanent setting, but I didn’t.
Brightech Lightview Pro Flex - Hands Free, Magnifying Glass Desk Lamp for Close Work - Bright LED Lighted Gooseneck Magnifier with Clamp for Reading, Tasks & Crafts - Black Amazon product ASIN B01FC2DMIM
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