That's the series. Yanks monumentally overachieved this year (with all those injuries it's absolutely impressive they won over 100 games), but I hope this series makes Steinbrenner take pause and really move away from the sitting pat and "go with what you got" stance. Shit, look at the Dodgers. Smart, young cores are great, but to get over the hump you gotta make the big moves: Verlander, Cole, the Sale trade for Boston etc. Hope this team looks really long and hard at a potential Lindor trade. Props to the Astros, that's a good fucking team, cream rises to the top. Washington's pitchers vs. the Astros lineup should be fun.
Ps. Pains me to say this, but holy fuck, it makes you realize how insanely good that Boston squad was last year. Just fucking rolled through the Yankees, Stros, and Dodgers.